Chapter Seventy-four

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I dunno what ta do.

James knows and he's gonna do somethin. I've managed ta stop Seb, Oliver and Rosa from sayin shit but he won't stay quiet. James believe in morals and crap and he says this is wrong. I know it's wrong but what am I gonna do bout it? This is me life no matter how much I hate it.

"Fuck sake Brandon. What do ya fuckin want ya jackass!" I yell as I almost walk right inta him. I'm meetin James since he wants ta talk. I bet he either wants ta break up with me or talk about me shitty life.

I would rather the break up thing. I hate talkin bout feelins and he deserves ta be happy. He deserves more then me shit.

Brandon grabs me arms and yanks me inta an alley before he presses me against the wall and kisses me. I shove him away and glare at him.

"What the fuck? You were tryin ta kill me a second ago, now ya wanna make out in some alley." I yell but he shakes his head.

"I like ya." He says and back then I woulda fallen for that but I know better now.

"I don't give a fuck. Besides, gotta great boyfriend who I love more then I ever liked ya." I snap but he just shakes his fuckin head at me.

"Ya hot when ya angry." He states and I roll me eyes.

"I'm always angry."

"Ya always hot." He says before he kisses me again. I try ta push him away but he don't let me.

This is it...

S'all fuckin over...

I'm gonna die kissin a boy I don't love.

Then, Brandon is gone and someone is standin in fronta me like a human sheild.

"Leave him alone." James snarls as Brandon stares at him in surprise. He pushed Brandon away from me? My James just saves me!

"Who the fuck are ya?" Brandon yells and I roll me eyes. If he got anymore thick they could use him for home installation.

"I'm Luca's boyfriend." He says and Brandon nods. Bout fuckin time.

"I remember ya." He states and I roll me eyes.

"I'd hope so. Ya smashed his fuckin windows a few weeks back and ya have been threatenin ta murder him." I snap and James turns ta me a look of horror on his face.

"I don't threaten ta do nothing!" He snaps.

"Jonny told me." I tell him and he changes in an instant. I shove James outa the way and block his fist before he can break me nose again.

"Ya don't get ta speak ta him!" He roars and even though I know I shouldn't continue, I do. Guess I really do have a death wish.

"Why? He likes me and he's better then ya. He ain't half bad!" I yell and he goes ta hit me but James shoves him like a boss.

"Stop!" He yells but Brandon don't. Never does.

He swings around and smacks James so hard I feel it. James stumbles back inta the wall his dark skin glowing red from impact. He grunts in pain and then spits blood outa his beautiful mouth.

"Ya fuckin bag of shit!" I scream as I throw me fist directly at Brandon. He dodges like a dick and then shoves me hard. I stumble back before he hits me face. I go ta smack him but he shoves me again so I stumble onta the road.


I turn ta see a car speedin directly towards me.

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