Chapter Eighty-four

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I have ta say that I'm fuckin petrified of movin beyond this moment. The future is so fuckin scary but I've wasted too much time bein scared. In fact, I've spend so much shitty time bein scared that I have no clue on how ta be anythin but.

Why is life so fuckin hard?

I know that no matter what, James will be with me. I wanna tell him how much he means ta me but there ain't no word ta describe it.

He'll help me through.



This past year has been troublesome but I understand how things will get better. I'm not naive enough to think that life is perefect now since it's got to get worse before it gets better. I just understand that things will get better and that's all that matters to me.

Luca will need me a lot and I will be there for him like he is there for me. His parents will be found and he will find a nice foster family.

I do have nightmares sometimes about it actually since I've heard enough stores of corrupt foster systemes but I've heard enough reasurence from my parents to know that they won't allow that to happen to Luca. They may not be fully okay with us yet but they're willing to help and that's all that matters.

Luca s broken but it's not a permanent thing.



Fixing cars was not what I saw myself doin in the future but I have to admit that I enjoy it. Garry is a nice man to work for and I get ta see Seb everyday which is nice.

Soon I should have enough money to help me mum and pay for myself for once.

I'm scared about the future but I know that everyone is standing by me and I'm not alone. I have amazing friends and a fabulous boyfriend to pick me up just like I'll ways pick them up.

The past year has been rough but I can sense that brighter days are coming.



I don't believe that I'll ever fully get used to the looks my father gives me sometimes or the stabbing pain of missing my mother but I will learn to cope.

Thanks to Rosa, I have decided to confront my father and be honest about how I would rather go into comic art then business. He didn't take it well and I understand that he just wants the best for me but all I want is happiness. It's all I've ever wanted.

This past year has changed me and I've learnt that I can break. Rosa has taught me that I'm not alone and that people love me. I'll still find it hard some times but not like before. I was drowning then but now I'm starting to swim.

I now know to speak my voice and to fight back against people who want nothing more then to make me feel inferior. I'm not inferior to anyone. I am worthy like every other person and I deserve a happy ending has much as the next person.



I ain't okay...

I've never really been able ta speak those words before but I've thought em. I wake up every fuckin day and think that I ain't okay. Oliver's strugglin, Luca's dyin and Rosa's just gettin inta trouble like usual. I thought that I needed ta be strong for em but how can I be strong if I don't admit ta bein weak?

I don't think I'll understand fuckin emotions but maybe I'll start learnin how ta tell people how I truly am.

I ain't invincible but I am strong and that's enough for me.



I don't think I'll ever move back in with me ma but I don't need ta. I've got a job and in time I'll get a flat and live there. For the time bein, I'll stay with the people I love and know love me back.

Becky is brighter now and Luca is less mysterious. James seems less stressed which is a fuckin miracle since he's the sorta guy who gets stressed over bein stressed.

Seb finally admitted ta feeling broken but we can help him with that and make him feel like his old self again.

I dunno what awaits me but I guess I'm eager ta find out.

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