Celebrating The Life Of Dean Winchester

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I present to you a long 5417 word collection of Dean centric fics that I wrote on impulse over the past year and a half to celebrate the birthday he should've had

I know I haven't posted in like two months but so much is going on good and bad! This morning I woke up to it snowing everywhere and got to been in it for the first time ever!- and in a week I'll be seeing my mom again

Anyways I really hope you guys enjoy this array of different stories


Castiel Novak didn't do this, he didn't go to dumb highschool parties- he was a freaking junior he should've known better

But then again he was seventeen and the second Dean had brought it up he'd put up a weak fight knowing the smile Dean gave him had him sold on the request

He and Dean have been friends ever since they were six, yes Cas was kind of a major introvert- his only other friends beside Dean being his older brother Gabriel, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran and Dean's slightly younger brother Sam

But as they got older Dean branched out more, playing soccer and having short lived flings with cheerleaders, he found new friends- friends Cas hated by the way, something he made sure to bring up to Dean whenever he could

But nevertheless their bond never broke

He'd came to he party for Dean and stayed by his friend's side as much as he could, though at the same time trying to avoid the friends Dean wanted him to 'get to know'

Ya, no thanks

Then came Lisa Braeden who proposed a game of seven minutes in heaven, Cas had rolled his eyes- of course

Game rules: One person had to spin a bottle in a circle of people and whoever it landed on they had to go in the closest -which got locked- with them having to kiss for their freedom

-So dumb-

Castiel had thought but Dean wanted to and..whatever Dean wanted...Cas agreed, though he never thought it would result in Dean spinning the bottle and it landing on his bored ass looking like he'd rather be anywhere else

Cas had been leaning on his palm,not even paying attention when Sam nudged him, informing him that the empty beer bottle was pointed straight at him

Cas' face immediately flushed but he prayed Dean didn't noticed, surprisingly his friend didn't have any qualms about kissing another boy so he didn't hesitate to stand and head to the closest

Cas on the other hand did not go as easy, he tried hard to explain how he really didn't want to be trapped in the closet with Dean being pressured to kiss - even going as far as to say he was claustrophobic which his brother assured everyone he was not, betraying his younger sibling

He turned to Dean with pleading eyes but his friend just shrugged at him 'what's a little kiss?' Dean had said, 'everything' Cas had thought but didn't say

Followed by drunk teens shoving the two friends into the closet, locking it shut and chanting the word 'kiss' repeatedly

Cas banged at the door wanting the other teens to let then out but to no avail, he turned to Dean and glared slightly "'Meet my friends'- you said- 'It'll be fun' you said" He mocked frustratedly, falling down to sit in a corner of the room

Dean sighed "I'm sorry"

Cas ignored the apology "It's not your fault that your friends are assbutts" He pulled his knees up, resting his arms on them, gently banging his head against the wall

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