A Return

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Charlie was restocking the shelves full of adorable plushies, humming softly to the new 'girl in red' song that was stuck in her head. She loved working in the little shop, it was stocked full of cute accessories. Soft emoji pillows, cartoon merchandise from shows such as Steven Universe and Adventure Time.

She was a huge geek and working there was like a dream come true, her boss was just the nicest and she was constantly surrounded by cute Harry Potter things; the bobble heads were here favourite, especially Hermione.

She was the only one working at the moment due to her coworker Becky being on a lunch break way from the cash register, it wasn't new so she could handle it for a little while.

The little bell for the place rung as the door was pushed open and Charlie's head turned to see a rugged looking man, around six foot (possibly an inch or two taller) dressed in a fitted olive green shirt tucked into, slightly baggy military style camouflage pants and black laced up boots, with a beige backpack slung over his shoulder.

That caught Charlie's attention fast, they didn't get a lot of men in the store, due to the fact that everything was very bright and colourful and whenever they did get men they were either buying gifts for their girlfriends or lying about buying gifts for their 'girlfriend's' but Charlie was happy to help them either way. She was an over excitable, quirky lesbian, who was she to judge?

Charlie couldn't help but frown slightly at him. It wasn't October yet so it probably wasn't a costume. He scanned the shelves looking for something, and Charlie decided to be nosey and do her job (while also being a little sneaky).

"Excuse me?- I could really use some help."

Oh shit she's been in her head for too long because tall mysterious and handsome was talking to her. She blinked herself out of it "Yes- right- of course, what do you need?"

"Do you have any bee plushes?"

Charlie nodded, "Definitely, they're just back here." She started walking to where the animal plushes were, showing him to the little Bee ones.

He grabbed one off the shelve "Awesome." He smiled, seemingly delighted that he'd found it and Charlie couldn't help but stare helplessly, he was one of the most interesting customers yet. "Any particular reason for the bee?"

"Oh right yeah," He rubbed at his neck as he sheepishly explained "I just got back from my deployment and I want to surprise my boyfriend, he really likes bees and nature so I wanted to get him something before I show up unannounced."

Charlie couldn't stop her brows from rising, "Oh!- you're a-" He cut her off chuckling slightly at her surprised face "Yes I am." He smiled sweetly, genuine and nice "I'm Dean."

"Charlie- um, thank you for your..um service." She said, hating how her face was probably turing red from slight embarrassment. "You are welcome."

"Sorry you're just not what I'd expect from a..y'know."

Luckily Dean didn't take it to heart and laughed, teeth and all making Charlie's embarrassment start to go away, "Yeah well, not a lot of people would expect to see a bisexual solider in a store like this buying a bee plush for his boyfriend."

"I guess not." Charlie gestured over to the register "C'mon I'll check you out." Dea nodded and followed her to the register, "So this boyfriend..how long have the two of you been together?- if you don't mind me asking."

"Just about three years, he's my angel, we haven't seen each other in a long while so I'm nervous."

"That is just heart melting..next you're going to tell me how you hand pick flowers for him in your free time."

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