I'm not over you

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I swear I've made this fic like 100 times

Cas was stumped, they were no closer to getting Mary and Jack out of the apocalypse world and time was running out- they could be dead- or worse

Not to mention Sam and Dean, it was like the brothers were losing hope every day, and it wasn't good

They needed archangel grace badly, but the only archangel around was Lucifer and they couldn't even get to him, no matter how hard they tried

Castiel sighed, looking up he found himself staring at a door- one he'd never seen before

He looked around his surroundings and he hadn't even noticed that he had walked all the way from the library to- well wherever he was

He reluctantly placed his hand on the door handle and it creaked open, his eyes scanned the room; it was like the inventory room that they already had but Cas could tell that this one was filled with different items

Ancient items

But none of them mattered when he felt a strong grace pulling him to a specific item

A small wooden box, Cas tilted his head in confusion as he slowly picked up the box, -hesitant to open it-, when he did he gasped quietly,-no it couldn't be, the men of letters couldn't have gotten their hands on this

He thought, staring down at the feather, I mean it is possible- but no it's just a myth

He was conflicted, the box in his hand held a feather- from an archangel- more like The Archangel Gabriel

It's golden light shone bright, blinding him with its beauty, it was rumoured eons ago that when an angel dies a feather that was left on the earth still holds some of it's light- able to bring the deceased angel back

But no one ever belived it to be true, after all it was just a rumour

But maybe- if he touched it- if he brought Gabriel back they could use his grace to save Mary and Jack

With one last thought, Cas raised his other hand to pick up the feather, the light that radiated off of it began to lessen until the feather just slowly disappeared

Cas set the box back down and looked around hoping that maybe it worked, but when he looked Gabriel wasn't there

He cursed himself for thinking that it would even work- of course it wouldn't, why would his luck start now?

He sighed sadly, and left the room- maybe Dean and Sam had found something


Sam and Dean were in the main room, both on their 5th beer as they searched for the other ingredients needed for the spell

Both of them were silent, not wanting to talk, they were just focused on getting their mom back

Suddenly there was a flash of light, startling both men as they quickly went to their guns pointing them at the flash of light

When the light dimmed and a man appeared neither Dean or Sam- mostly Sam- could belive their eyes "What the hell!" Gabriel yelled looking frantically about the bunker, Sam lowered his gun "Gabriel is that- is, it actually you?"

Gabriel nodded "Yes, of course- who the hell summoned me?"

Dean frowned "Summoned?- Gabe you're supposed to be dead!"

"No I'm supposed to be having a three way!" Gabriel mentally cursed himself for speaking, he went still and avoided Sam's eyes, looking guilty "Gabe?" Sam as he slowly began to put two and two together "Sam, I-.." Gabriel couldn't explain it if he tried; after he fought against Lucifer to help the Winchester brothers he had faked his death and been keeping a low profile ever since

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