The End (March 11)

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Updated version of my previous The End fic.


                     5x4 The End

Dean woke up with his head pounding he went to move and he felt his hand was tugging at something he looked up and saw his hand was cuffed to a table, he rolled his eyes and turned his head looking in front of him only to see himself?

Well an older version anyway

"What the hell?" He said looking around the room, he was in some sort of cabin seemed pretty old

"I should be asking you that question, don’t you think?" The man said loading a gun "In fact why don't you you give one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you right here and now" He pointed the gun at Dean who didn't falter

"Because you'd only be hurting yourself?" Dean joked sheepishly

"Very funny" The man deadpaned

"Look I'm no shapeshifter or demon or anything okay?" Dean defended, trying to convince- himself

"I know I did the drill while you were out, silver,salt, holy water nothing" He said and loaded another gun "But you know what was funny?, that you had every hidden lock pick, box cutter and switch blade that I wanna explain that?, oh and resemblance while your at it?"

Dean turned his head for a moment and sighed "Zachariah"

Older Dean went stiff for a second and slowly stood up in shock "Come again?"

"I'm you from the tail end of 2009, Zach plucked me from my bed and threw me five years into the future" Dean explained lazily

Older Dean took a step closer to Dean "Where is he?, I want to talk to him"

Dean sighed "I don't know"

Older Dean scoffed "Oh you don't know?"

" -No I don't know, look I just want to get back to my own freakin' year okay?"

Older Dean crouched down "Okay, if you're me then tell me something only I would know"

Dean thought for a moment "Rhonda Hurley, we were..uh nineteen?, she made us try on her panties, they were pink and satiny you know what?, we kinda liked it"

"..Touché" He stood up "So what?, Zach zapped you up here to see how bad it gets?"

Dean shrugged "I guess, croatoan virus right?, that's there end game?"

"Efficient, it's incurable and scary as hell" Future Dean packed another gun "Turns people into monsters, started hitting the major cities about two years ago, world really went in the crapper after that"

"What about Sam?"

Future Dean paused "..Heavyweight showdown in Detroit, from what I understand Sam didn't make it"

"You weren't with him?"

"No, no me and Sam we haven't talked in..hell five years"

"We never tried to find him?

Future Dean brushed it off "We got other people to worry about"

"Where are you going?" Dean asked noticing that he was about to leave "I gotta run an errand"

Dean looked at the cuff around his wrist "Woah you're just gonna leave me here?"

"Yes, I've gotta camp full of twitchy trauma survivors out there with an apocalypse hanging over there heads.. the last thing they need to see is something out of the 'parent trap'"

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