Promises (y'all might hate me for this one)

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Dean huffed angrily "Ugh! You are insufferable!"

"Well you're incorrigible!" Cas shot back just as pissed

Dean pinned Cas against the wall but the angel didn't falter "You know what else you are?!" Dean exclaimed


"The only person I can talk to like this.." Dean whispered not caring that he was nose to nose with his best friend "I know you can take care of yourself Cas but I can't stand the thought of losing you"

Cas sighed "Dean you won't lose me-"

"Yeah, you say that now-"

"Dean look at me"

Dean reluctantly brought his eyes to stare into Cas' blue ones, "You're not going to lose me" And just like that Cas kissed him, his lips were soft and perfect just like how Dean had always imagined

To Cas' slight surprise his hunter kissed back, holding on to his trenchcoat for dear life "Promise me" Dean whispered against the soft lips

"..I promise"


Dean stared down in disbelief at his angels dead body, Sam had ran into the house to check on what happened to Kelly and Dean had just dropped down to his knees

He bent down over Cas' body,  pressing their foreheads together- even in death he looked beautiful "..You promised" Came his broken voice

"..You promised"

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