Dean Winchester is so Bi (Bisexual Pride Day)

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Warning- this is extremely long- 4568 words to be exact

Anywho enjoy!

His first kiss is with a girl..Amber something, Dean was 14 he thought she was cute, he liked her and she had a brother maybe 16?

Dean thought he was also cute, it was so confusing- especially when he started to see more guys like he did girls as he got older

It'd been forever..years- it's not that he's ashamed he just doesn't talk about it

Though he called it experimenting at the time, he messed around a lot but of course kept it under wraps, he never really got involved with feelings but then he met Cassie and he fell in hadn't worked out

And then there was Leo- for guy who had so many walls he sure fell easy, but after Lisa he was done..or so he thought because apparently blue eyed sex haired angels make his heart skip a beat

But he didn't go for it- he knew that he could but he didn't..

You can bury the past, but after a while it catches up with you- and you can't do anything but man up and face the music

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Sam said and stood walking off; they were on a case and decided to head off to a bar that one of the victims frequented to go over their facts

Dean sighed and looked around the bar, there was a good variety of people in it, after a few seconds he averted his eyes to the drinks menu

Dean smiled softly staring at the drinks menu, every special drink was lgbt+ themed, he wasn't completely sure but it must've been pride month

He shrugged and happily ordered a 'Bisexual blast', giving a playful wink to the female bartender, he sighed and waited for Sam to get back from the bathroom

When his drink came it surprisingly tasted pretty fucking great, it was ombré mimicking the colors of the bisexual flag- not to mention the alcohol that was in it

"What's that?" Sam asked when he came back sitting down, Dean shrugged "Pride month drink- bisexual blast, tastes pretty good"

Sam eyed his brother, "Huh, guess I'll get one to" He decided not to mention how comfortable Dean was with his choice of drink

As Dean chugged down some more of his colorful drink his eyes wandered again and he almost passed out when he saw who he thought was a literal ghost

"Leo frickin Webb?"

The man turned around and his eyes were wide just like Dean's, "Dean Winchester?" He said in disbelief, "Oh my god-'re alive" Dean stuttered

Leo nodded just as shocked "So are you.." Sam blinked watching the two "Um, hi?"

Dean shook his head, he had forgot that his brother was there for a moment "Yeah- um Lee this is Sam my brother" Leo frowned "Sammy?" Sam rolled his eyes "It's just Sam" He said slightly annoyed "So I take it you two know each other?"

Dean nodded "Yeah we hunted together with dad when you were in college,'s been what?- 10 years?" Leo shrugged "More or less" He said "What are you even doing here?" Dean asked curiously

Leo looked around "I own this place" He exclaimed, Dean frowned "You own this place?" It kind of made sense- especially the drinks, Leo was always comfortable with his sexuality and wasn't afraid to show it

But what was more surprising was that he and Leo had the dream of running a bar together when they were younger..but Dean never thought that Leo would actually make that dream a reality

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