Fuck Studying

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Dean groaned annoyedly, he'd been studying with his bestfriend Cas for hours and unfortunately for him Cas was a major nerd so he wasn't getting out of this anytime soon

"Dean- focus" Cas snapped his fingers in Dean's face "Explain the associative law of multiplication"

Dean sighed and stood up "I have a better idea" He muttered gripping the sides of his shirt and pulling it over his head, Cas sat staring at his bestfriend's chest almost as if he was in a trance

"It's rude to stare Cas" Dean informed him and Cas shook his head "Dean put your shirt back on you need to study"

Dean tossed his shirt on the bed "Aw come on you're more of a nerd then Sam- and that's saying something"

Cas' retort was cut short by the sound of Dean's phone ringing, he picked it up but immediately turned it off when he saw the caller ID "Lisa?" Cas asked and Dean sighed "Yup"

"Why didn't you answer?"

Dean chewed at his lip "..We broke up- I broke up with her" Cas tried to feel bad for Dean but he just couldn't, he'd had a crush on the guy since they were kids, he got up and sat down next to Dean "When?" He hid the slight relief in his voice

Dean shrugged "Last week" Cas frowned confused "Why?" He asked sympathetically

Dean looked up at Cas for a few seconds and then before Cas knew it Dean was pulling into a kiss, it didn't last very long, both boys confused to what was going on but when Dean broke away he had a look of regret on his face "I- am so sorry Cas, I just.."

"You just what?" Cas manged to get out, Dean sighed "..I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss you" He admitted shyly

"Come again?" Cas stuttered not sure he heard right "- I broke up with her because of you Cas, I've been having these feelings for a while now-"

"-Wait what kind of feelings?" Cas asked hiding the excitement in his tone, Dean blushed "I like you Cas.. as more than a friend, I only started dating her to get over you but.."

Cas didn't know what to do, he had dreamed of this moment -literally- and now that it's happening he had no idea what to do and that it made Dean feel rejected "I know that you don't feel the same way and I'm a dick for thinking about my bestfriend this way- "

"-I love you" Cas blurted without thinking and Dean coughed clearing his throat "What?"

"I have feelings for you too Dean, I just always thought you were way outta my league- not to mention Lisa"

Dean scoffed "Trust me Cas you are way outta my league- I never thought you'd go for the -dumb jock"

"Aww Dean..you're not that dumb"

Dean tackled him to the bed and they wrestled around a bit until Cas finally bit Dean in the shoulder and the boy yelped rolling off him and rubbing the wound; he forgot that Cas was a biter, but Dean it didn’t really matter, he was too happy to care "So all this time we could have been..together?"

Cas laughed "Yeah- I guess we could've" Dean smiled softly at him "You know what?- I think we can leave the studying for another day" Cas said

Dean quirked his brow curiously "What did you have in mind?"

Cas paused thinking for a moment "Well I think that we should go on our first official date- if you want to?" A smile began to grow wide on Dean's face "Cas.. I'd fuckin love too"



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