100 different ways too come out..almost

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Welcome ladies, gents and in between

I present to you

100 different ways to come out..almost..sort of..not really

Gabriel 16 yrs
Sam 16 yrs


Gabriel Novak is known for his ecsentric family, his rich father and his whole 'Trickster' reputation, around school he is as open as a person can be, most teachers loathed him, most students wanted to be him

But he only ever kept to his family and friends especially his bestfriend Sam Winchester, they'd known each other for about 4 years after the Novak's moved to Kansas, Gabriel's brothers Castiel and Lucifer were especially smitten with Sam's brothers Dean snd Michael

For years Gabriel was 100% content with who he was as a person, that was until he realised he was gay

The only person he ever told was Sam which was 2 years ago, luckily Sam excepted him with open arms and also admitted he was bi-curious himself, the two became even closer after that

They had both talked about coming out but they were to scared to do it so they just didn't, which brings us to this moment


"Alright Gabriel what did you want to tell me" Sam asked as he sat down on Gabriel's desk chair trying hard not to pass out, Gabriel had dragged Sam all the way from his comfy bed because he had needed to tell him something, Sam tried to protest but obviously that didn't work

"Uh so I'm gay" He announced standing in front of Sam "Yeah, I know" Sam said sitting upright his hands clinging to the ends of the chair

"And my parents have no idea" He continued, Sam shook his head "No idea"

Gabriel put a finger up "One day puberty might hit me like a truck and I might become one if those 'hashtag glo-up people on instagram you know?" He said making a hashtag sign with his fingers

Sam gave a confused look "And?"

Gabriel put his arms out "Which means I might get a hot boyfriend"

Sam nodded "Right"

Gabriel took a deep breath "So..I have decided to come out to them" He finshed with a small smirk clasping his arms to his sides


"One second" Gabriel said and ran imto his bathroom leaving Sam utterly confused

"So I have made a list of 100 different ways to come out..almost- anyway" He muttered holding a note pad in his hand as he went to sit down the chair next to Sam, Sam smiled "Cool"

"So number one" He flipped a page on the pad "A fun way to deal with a possible let down..jokes!"


Chuck sat on the couch in the living room flipping the pages of a newspaper

"Hey dad" Gabriel sat entering the room, Chuck hummed "Wanna hear a joke?" Gabriel proposed


"Let's get something straight..I'm not!" He clapped his hands and laughed whispering to himself 'good one, good one'

His dad gave a confused face as he tried to understand the joke "Do you get-do you get it?" His dad's face lit up "Ohh" He laughed "I get it-I get it"

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