So I guess I'm going to Pride?

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Sam's POV

We had decided to take a bit of a break from hunting for a while to finally have time to ourselves for once, and by 'we' I mean me, my boyfriend, and my brothers new boy toy

My boyfriend Gabriel has been bugging me about going to 'Pride' apparently it's this huge parade for lgbtq+ people like me and Gabriel, he's pan and I'm bi but I don't really like the idea of going to some crazy event I don't know much about, though Gabriel has told me, Cas and Dean a little bit about it

It's a parade of acceptance really, people from all around the world gather into one place and be themselves for a few days, not having to worry about unacceptance just having fun and being yourself

I did kind of get though, me and Dean both struggled with our sexuality for years it was harder on Dean really he cared too much about what people thought, and even though he's now with a man he loves I can still tell he cares just a little bit even if not many people know that we're actually bi

Screw it, if all those people have gotten the courage to not give a damn about what people think and just be happy, I guess I can too

So I guess I'm going to pride?


Super short

Super bad

I just wanted to make a pride fic for the official start of pride month and to celebrate that, I wanted to come out as well

Over the past few years my view on relationships have never changed, I like when other people are in them I love to ship them but when I think about myself being in a relationship I can't see it happening

I don't like to form emotional attraction to people mostly because if I get into a relationship I know that sooner or later the big 'I love you' drops and everything is so great until a few months later we break up and I'm alone agian

What's the point if you're just going to get hurt

I'm not 100% ruling out the possibility of being in a relationship but for now it's just not something that's on my mind

..So what's up world, I'm aromantic

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