Nothing To You

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This chapter alone is 10,035 words.

The first part heavily based and slightly quoted off of DARE the gay short film which you can watch here.

Or just look up on yt DARE short film.

I haven't watched part 2 since it came out two or some years ago and its not free so the second half of this chapter is inspired by the edit I found of the two characters, here.

This a destiel version it took a while to finish and write so I hope you guys like it. Also really check out the original it's so great, it was made back in 2005 and pt2 was made in 2018.

Also let me know your thoughts on my new writing style.

Anyways enjoy!


Dean Winchester was fucking bored, he was stuck working on some dumb school assignment on a freaking Saturday and to make everything ten times 'better' it was with some random kid he didn't even know.

Castiel seemed nice enough though. He was quiet and smarter than Dean but that was just a given most people were, he didn't care about school like Castiel did but he had to go to college and needed to be accepted to at least one school so if that meant studying on fucking weekends so be it.

He'd invited Castiel over to his house because there was no way he was studying in a library, not to mention he had to look after his fourteen year old brother so it'd just been easier, they set up in his room and got to work pretty quick.

They didn't really speak unless it was necessary and it was awkward as heck for Dean but he didn't say anything about it. Hours passed and he finally went over the egde, hours of numbers and words and fuck just schoolwork broke him.

"You wanna go for a swim?"

Castiel frowned looking to his work, why was Dean asking him to go swimming? "But- we have to work on the assignment-" Dean scoffed, pushing himself up to stand "God you're such a nerd c'mon, it'll be fun- we can finish later we're pretty much done anyway."

Castiel nodded hesitantly but stopped short, "I don't have swimwear." Dean shrugged off handedly, reaching into his dresser tossing a pair of shorts at Cas who caught them to his chest putting his book down. "You can change in here I'll go in the bathroom."

Castiel gave a nod barley whispering the word 'okay'. He put his books down and stood pulling his sweater over his head and unbuttoning his flannel, he was about to start on his jeans when he looked up and his eyes caught the crack in the bathroom door, Dean was naked..and pulling up his swim trunks.

Castiel's breath caught in his throat and he gulped forcefully turning his head away and back to his own undressing, removing his pants and boxers pulling on the slightly big pair of swim trunks Dean gave him, at least he was lucky for the jawstring, quickly tying it up before he folded his clothes neatly and set them next to his backpack.

"You ready?"

"Y-yeah." Castiel answered following Dean downstairs "Where are you guys going?" Sam asked from the couch taking his eyes from his video game, Dean waved him off "We're just going for a swim don't worry about it bitch."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Whatever Jerk." They headed outside through the back door and Dean led Castiel to the pool area, "I'll be right back." He said and came back with two beers, a pack of cigarettes and two towels, handing one beer to Castiel "Oh I don't drink."

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