When one of them is sick

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Fun fact: I am very sick while writing this so just bare with me



"Saaaammmm" Gabriel groaned over the phone coughing dramatically

"Yes Gabe?"

Gabriel pouted though Sam couldn’t see him he heard the softness in Gabe's voice "I'm sick"

"Serves you right, with all the candy you eat" His boyfriend retorted "Sam! this is serious I think I'm... dying" Gabriel whined making Sam laugh a little "Okay hold on I'll be there in 10"


Sam used the key Gabriel had given him to enter the house, he made his way through the place leaving a mental note to clean it later not wanting his boyfriend to live in the mess he had made

As he neared Gabriel's bedroom he heard soft and quiet sobs coming from it, he frowned and peeked into the room

Gabriel was curled up in a ball hugging the sheets tightly as he cried into them "Gabe?" Sam rushed in and was immediately by Gabriel's side "Gabe what's wrong?"

"It hurts" Gabriel sobbed pulling his head from the covers, Sam sighed feeling bad for his boyfriend, he gently ran his hand through Gabriel's hair before pressing the back of his hand to Gabriel's forehead -it was burning hot-  "Come on let's get you some food and medicine"

Gabriel nodded wiping his eyes and carefully sitting up, wincing slightly at the pain "Can I have noodle soup?" Gabriel asked softly and Sam smiled kissing him on the head "You can have whatever you want Gabe"



Dean rubbed a hand over his red nose as he laid sick in his bed, the door opened and his boyfriend walked I'm with a bowl of soup, "This a low moment for me" He said shaking his head

"Dean you're sick, everybody gets sick"

"Not me- I should be out making history but instead-.. don't look at me I'm hideous!" He hid his face in the pillows

"Dean you look fine"

"You're my boyfriend you're supposed to say that- I- I'm wearing shorts!"

Cas smiled "And isn't it more comfy?" Dean put his head down shamefully "Yes.."

Cas chuckled "Come on you need to eat something" He said holding the bowl over his boyfriends face, Dean sniffed "Too weak..to hold bowl" He pouted

Cas rolled his eyes and fed the soup to Dean only for Dean to spit it out "Ouchy in my mouth!"

Cas huffed and tried again this time blowing on the hot soup before feeding it to Dean but Dean wasn't in the mood for soup anymore "I don't want it I want icecream"

"You're not having icecream for dinner just 'cause you're sick"

"But my throat hurts!"


"I hate you!" Cas set the bowl down standing up to leave but was pulled back down "No- don't leave me" 

Cas sighed "Look Dean if you finish all your soup, maybe I'll get you some licorice from the store" Cas bribed knowing it was Dean's favorite candy

"And can we watch Star Trek?" He asked hopefully and Cas nodded "Yes we can watch Star Trek but only if you eat your soup"

"Fine" Dean reluctantly agreed as Cas began to feed him again but was stopped "Hey Cas?"

"Yes?" Cas questioned sounding more annoyed then he intended

"Thank you for taking care of me"
Cas smiled "No problem babe"


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