Supernatural Deep Dive: Dean's Bisexuality

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Disclaimer before you continue.

I am going to be mentioning some things that may condradict a few oneshots I have made in the past but that was years ago and these are my real views on these characters.

Also I'm a writer so I write what my readers want to see though it isn't my favorite thing bc I only find writing enjoyable because I'm writing about what I like.

Also I wanted to publish this on Bisexuality day of Pride Month but I just couldn't wait😅 So early celebrations💖💜💙

With that said please comment your own thoughts and opinions!

Okay, so to begin.

There is a big difference between Sam and Dean when it comes to their sexualities. As in the writers chose to write Sam as a comfortably straight character who isn't put in situations with other men that have him stumbling over words or actions but didn't chose to do the same for Dean.

They are the writers of the show. They didn't have to make Dean so queer.

To me Sam is 100% straight but the kind of straight that if there was an instance in which he was attracted to a man he would act on this with little to no hesitation.

Dean on the other hand is written at first like he's overcompensating, trying to prove that he is straight just like his brother BUT the situations he his put in with men can at times be mirrored with the situations Sam is put in with women.

I would also like to mention that Dean is a masculine man. Yes he enjoys certain things society deems 'girly' but most of the time he comes off as masculine.

But that shouldn't even matter because I don't know is Supernatural is aware but masculine men can be bisexual.

It isn't a new concept they aren't a dying breed. Men can drink beers, go hunting, flirt with women, love guns, cars and cowboy films and still be attracted to men.

That's just fact.


The earliest instance Dean is shown to express queerness is around S4. (I am not mentioning Cas because I really don't need to to make any of my Dean is bi points) One of my favorite episodes for this is Sex and Violence.

For many reasons.

● The bad guy is established to kill his victims by causing them to fall in love with him which would then allow him to kill them.

And the method used is swapping saliva, so kissing.

So when Dean is put under this trance and Sam finds out that Nick Monroe is the monster they're after he never questions how he his saliva came into contact with Dean. Most likely just assuming and completely okay with the fact that they kissed or engaged in sexual activity.

Also I would like to note that Nick was with Dean at the same time Sam was with the hospital lady.

It's almost as if they both had love interests for the episode.. hmm *strokes not existent beard thoughtfully*

● Another point which is real fact with proof that I can't believe actually exists is that back in 2009 (when the episode came out) the actor who plays Nick Monroe (one of my favorite ppl love him on 9-1-1 Lonestar😍) had and interview or something like that where he admits that upon reading the script he believed his affect over Dean was mean't to be romantic/sexual and not brotherly like the tried to pass it off as.

(You can look up the article on google)

●Lastly, during my rewatch of SPN during each episode I watch I go to IMDB to look and trivia of the episode and or reviews and most the reviews for this episode (Sex and Violence) were about how viewers believed it was mean't to be the start of Dean's bisexuality in the show.

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