Can't sleep

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This is zuper short btw


Sam rolled over in his bed for what felt like the thousandth time, he'd been trying to fall asleep for the past half hour but no luck, his mind was racing with thoughts he couldn't control, he huffed annoyedly and climbed out of his bed

He sighed as he picked up his phone off the bedside table and began dialing his boyfriends number "..Sam?" Gabriel said, his voice was quite and hushed "..It's 3 am"

"I know sorry" Sam apologised "I just can't fall asleep.." He said, "Is it the nightmares again?" Gabriel asked gently, Sam took a moment to decide whether to answer or not "Yeah- I just can't get them out of my head..everytime I close my eyes..I'm just in the cage again"

Sam heard a snap of fingers on the other line and before he knew it Gabriel was right in front of him, He rubbed a hand over his face "You didn’t have to come Gabe"

"Yes I did" Gabriel muttered and sat down, he'd been busy for the past few weeks helping Castiel get the remaining angels in order so he wasn't around much and he hated it,  especially leaving Sam when they needed each other the most

Lucifer was back and he was causing Sam all kinds of pain just like before mostly tormenting him in his dreams
"Sam it's been days, you can't just not sleep forever"

"You don't think I know that?" Sam huffed frustratedly "I've been trying so- so hard.."

Gabriel took a deep breath "..Come 'er" He mumbled motioning for Sam to get back onto the bed

The hunter complied and sat himself back on the bed, Gabriel sighed as he removed his top and his pants before letting his head fall back as he rolled his shoulders back and the faint sound of bones cracking could be heard

"Gabriel what are you doing?" Sam asked but didn’t get an answer, Gabriel's eyes sparked blue as bright golden wings sprouted from his back and he released a loud sigh

Sam was in awe at the sight as Gabriel scooted futher up on to the bed and wrapped his wing around Sam who instantly smiled at the feeling and snuggled up against Gabriel's wing stroking the feathers lightly

"Feels nice huh?"

Sam hummed a 'yes' "My wings have a sort of calming feel- especially to humans.." He took Sam's hand and bit his lip ".. I know it's not forever but at least we'll both get some peace tonight"

Gabriel smiled softly "I love you Sam, and I promise- one day" He turned Sam's head to face him "One day everything is going to be okay-.."  He sniffed holding back tears "I promise"

"I love you" Sam muttered quietly and they cuddled up close to each other as they both slowly fell into a quiet and calming sleep


I started writing this when I was in and kind of bad place

I hope you guys liked this chapter ❤

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