Celebration (Happy Birthday Dean!)

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Happy Birthday to Dean Winchester!- I love this one character so fucking much he deserves the whole fucking world

(I drew the pic)


Dean Winchester was born on January 24th 1979, to John and Mary Winchester, his mother always loved celebrating his birthday but after her death it didn't matter much anymore

To John every one of his birthdays was just another day for him to learn something new- he was getting older, so more responsibility was pushed onto him

He'd celebrate in his own way though, in secret- he'd have his own fun just for a night and then it was back to work- maybe he'd go to a bar pick up some woman- or man have some kinky birthday sex or like he did when he was younger buy himself a pie and a candle and wish himself a happy birthday

But soon he just started to forget about it, decided it didn't matter- so that's just how it'd been the past few years, it didn't matter..


"It's your birthday" Cas said to Dean as they layed in bed together shirtless-, Dean's head on Cas' chest as his angel stroked his hair

"I know" Dean replied queitly "Do you want to celebrate?" Cas asked gently and Dean shrugged lightly "No, I just want to be here..with you"



"Happy birthday Dean" Sam smiled at his brother giving him a quick hug- "Don't start any of that okay?- I just want a completely normal day"

"Pish posh Dean-O" Gabriel smirked as he randomly flew in, legs on the table with a lolipop in his mouth "You can't not celebrate your birthday"

"I just want to spend the day with Cas, and not have to deal with any of your- *Gabriel*- bullshit"

Gabriel shared a look with Sam before he caved "Okay fine- whatever, go be boring with your boyfriend- I don't care"

"Morning Dean" Cas walked into the kitchen, in Dean's grey AC/DC shirt and red flannel pants that hung low on his hips- Gabriel whistled "Aww you guys are adorable" He teased when the two shared a kiss

"I still can't believe you two are together- took way too long" Sam said "Yeah well shit happens Sammy"

Gabriel huffed and checked his non existent watch "Welp I've gotta, check out- archangel things to do and all that- give my best to Jacky boy" His fingers snapped and he was gone, Sam along with him


"Gabriel!- what the hell!"

"Shhh you're gonna scare someone"

"What in the holy hell?" Claire gaped staring at the two who had just popped into their kitchen "Sam?- Gabriel?- is something wrong?" Mary asked setting down the plate of pancakes

"No-no not at all" Gabriel assured them "We just need your help"

They all -including Sam- frowned "With what?"

"A party"

"Gabriel Dean doesn't want to celebrate his birthday" Sam sighed, "It's Dean's birthday?" Claire asked "Why didn't he tell us?"

Sam rolled his eyes "Dean doesn't want a big thing okay?"

"Well tough" Gabriel huffed, "C'mon none of you think that he deserves it?"

After a pause Claire shrugged "Screw it I'm in" Alex did the same "Okay"


The couple shared a look and Jody nodded "..How do we do it?"

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