The Little Things

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Dean and Cas have a sort of strange relationship, their friends their  family and their enemies know it, it's what makes them vulnerable- the way they stare into each others eyes or share a hug for way too long, the way they are able to tell each other anything being completely open and honest, the way they don't judge one another for any bad decisions

When one of them is hurt the other can feel that pain, they have fought against angels and demons, heaven and hell just to save each other

Their compulsive need to protect each other no matter what, the obvious jealously one feels when the other is happy with someone else

It's the little things they don't even notice

'Castiel he has this weakness, he likes you'

'You draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but it was all about saving one human right ?'

'Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul'

'Castiel what you feel it's not right'

'Guys it's Cas! He's saved our asses more times than I can count'

'He was your boyfriend first'

'Well Cas not for nothing but the last time somebody looked at me like that I got laid'

'Dean and I do share a more profound bond'

'His true secret is revealed, He's in love with..humanity'

'I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition'

'Cas we need you.. I need you'

Maybe they did know it maybe they knew that they loved each other more than anything else but they were to afraid to say anything in fear of rejection? Not being excepted ?

But nonetheless after all the fighting

The loving

The needing

The betrayal

The pain

They had finally realised that all they needed was each other



"Dean you can't do this you can't sacrifice yourself !" Cas pleaded

"Cas it's my fault I'm the reason she's doing this !"

"Dean please you..can't" Cas begged tears threatening to roll down his face

"Cas.." Dean said quietly reaching a hand out to his best friend

"Don't.." Cas said softly moving away from Dean "If your really going to do this than, you should know something first"

"Know what ?" Dean asked now standing closer to Cas

"I love you Dean" Cas closed his eyes to avoid seeing Dean's reaction after a few seconds he slowly opened them to the gentle feeling of something on his face Dean was holding him close looking up into Cas' eyes


"I love you too Castiel" Cas shuddered at the use of his full name Dean had rarely used it, Dean placed a soft kiss on Cas' lips smiling before pulling away a tear rolling down his cheek Cas couldn't believe what had just happened one minute ago they were fighting and now Dean had said he'd loved him

"I love you Castiel that's...why I have to do this..for you please understand"

Cas closed his eyes for a moment if he truly loved Dean he had to respect his wishes "Okay.." He breathed

The moment they were trapped in was so surreal they almost didn't belive it

You don't find happiness, happiness finds you - Some random teenager on tumblr

Dean Winchester and Castiel angel of the lord were always destined to fall in love even if God himself didn't know it, but..well though they met years ago right now in the moment they tore down the walls around they're hearts and had confessed their love,

That is where they're story begins


: ) I don't know so don't ask I binged a bunch of spn stuff on insta mostly edits and I really wanted to make a lil short Destiel fluff


Yes I may have gotten some lines wrong don't come at me I'm just rlly tired and I was listening to 'Sexy Back' when making this

And this may or may not be an easter egg for 'Mom meet Husband'

*Gives y'all Destiel being officially canon* 😊😊😊

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