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This is my 'apology for not posting in like forever chapter'

Hope you guys like it, idk why but I find it very funny


Sam was at a diner waiting for his boyfriend Gabriel who had spent the day at a baseball game with Sam's brother Dean and they had agreed to meet for lunch afterwards with Dean and his boyfriend Castiel

He sat waiting when the waitress came up for the second time leaning over the table and showing off her cleavage as she asked if he was going to order anything

He politely declined again telling her that he was waiting for someone and watched her strut off angrily and complain to her friends about how he wasn't showing any interest her

After awhile he finally caught sight of Gabriel running towards him in his backwards blue cap and blue jersey with black lines on his face, panting hard "Sorry- sorry I'm late, Dean was being a total-" Sam had stood up silently and pulled him into a long tender kiss

Gabriel frowned "What was that for?" Sam motioned towards the counter "That waitress over there has been hitting on me ever since I got here"

Gabriel grinned; even though he didn't love it when people -especially bitchy waitresses- hit on Sam he did love showing them that the moose was his "Oh?- we'll then I guess we better make sure that she knows that you're my man" He muttered pulling Sam down for a sloppy make out session and they could hear her gasps from her and her friends

They smiled sweetly at each other before finally sitting down at their table

"So how was the game?- did Dean yell a lot?" Sam asked and Gabriel shrugged sheepishly "Actually we both did our fair share of yelling- oh!- and check this out" He reached into his pocket pulling out a baseball

"I caught the ball!"

"No way"

Gabriel nodded excitedly "Yes way-  Dean was so mad- it was hilarious especially when I.got.it.signed"

Sam smiled softly "You are officially forgiven for being late"

"I think I should get I bit more than that considering-" He turned the ball around and Sam gasped, when Gabriel said he got it signed he didn't think he mean't in Sam's name- when not in Sam's name exactly it said 'Sammoose'

He gave the ball to Sam "I love you so much" Sam muttered as he stared at the ball, Gabriel smiled proudly "I know you do"

When Sam finally pulled his eyes away from his ball, he frowned "Hey where are Dean and Cas- I thought they were coming?"

"Oh they'll be here any minute Dean had to pick up Cas" Not even two seconds later Dean was walking over to them in the same outfit Gabriel was wearing with Cas following him and they both sat down, Dean by Sam and Cas next to Gabriel 

"Sup losers- Gabriel" Dean scowled him and Gabriel scoffed "Why are you still mad Dean-O I got your hat signed"

"You know what you did"

Sam and Cas looked at Gabriel suspiciously and the man put his hands up defensively "I didn’t do anything!"

Dean rolled his eyes "Pssh, yeah right"

"What's up with the waitress- she keeps staring at us" Castiel asked curiously "She has a thing for Sam" Gabriel smirked winking at Sam "But she can't have him" 

Dean shook his head at the lovey dovey eyes the couple were making at each other "You guys are disgustingly cute" He muttered  "-Okay I'm actually hungry so can we order now?" He asked and everyone nodded so he flagged down a waitress

Unfortunately the one that came was the one that had been hitting on Sam, after they very awkwardly gave her their order she turned to leave but instead turned back slamming her palms on the table, startling all of them

"You could have just told me you were gay you know?" She spat and Sam shook his head calmly "I'm not gay, I just have a boyfriend"

Gabe gave her a small wave "Don't be embarrassed I mean I know how hot he is trust me- I've seen him naked, but sorry.. he's mine" He said putting emphasis on the word, even going as far to point to the hickey he had left on Sam's neck the previous night 

The waitress growled under her breath and stomped away angrily,  back to her friends

Everyone burst out laughing except for Sam who's face was crimson red "Gabriel I can't belive you just did that!" Dean exclaimed in between laughs "Seriously did you see her face!" Cas weezed slightly

Gabriel shrugged lightly "Shouldn't be trying to get with what's mine" Sam sighed hiding his face in his hands "I don't think we can come here ever again"

Gabriel pouted "Come on you love it  when I get all possessive" Sam didn't have anything to say back because admittedly

Gabriel was right

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