30 day challenge (19)

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Sorry for the lack of updates I've been working on a few other books so I haven't had the time to update this one but thank you all for 9.17k reads!

19. Disrespecting your parents

My parents don't really pay attention to me, they always assume I'm playing games or on my phone which is not the case, honestly they barley even know anything about me and they don't make an effort to try even though I do it for them

Disrespecting them though is another thing, my sister will mouth off at them and they won't really do anything about it, my dad says I'm his favourite but is obviously her (I don't care) so he doesn't really do much and my mom- well my sister will yell at her until she's blue in the face and it's just really mean

I only yell at my mom when she says something truly hurtful to me, like she doesn't even apologise for it

Once I was just sitting downstairs minding my own business and then out of nowhere she just started yelling at me about how ugly I was, I was so shocked and hurt I ran upstairs for a few hours until I calmed myself down

And when I was younger my older half brother who acted like a third parent would always yell at me to stop talking back and but at the time I hate no idea what that meant so I was super confused but the one time that really got me was when I kept asking my sister for the tv remote and he got so mad that he stood up grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the hall and shoved me up the stairs

Needless to say I was traumatised for a while, (I hate being touched)

But yes my family is crazy so disrespect is a common thing in our household

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