Jack's got a secret

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Life in the bunker had been good the past few weeks, Jack even made some new friends

But Sam felt that Jack was hiding something from them, So Sam had  enlisted help from his brother to find out what it was

"He's a teenager Sam of course they hide things" Dean defended Jack

"Dean think about it, he's even been acting different and he goes out more"

"You are such a helicopter parent" Dean said rolling his eyes

"He's a kid-" Dean huffed "Sam look if you really think Jacks hiding something then just ask him" And with that Dean grabbed a beer out of the fridge and headed to his room


After days Sam finally decided to go with what Dean had suggested and just ask Jack

"Hey Jack" Sam said entering Jack's room, Jack sat on the edge of his bed fitting on his shoe "Oh-hey Sam I was just on my way out-"

Sam stopped him "Actually Jack I wanted to talk to you about that"

"Okay?" Jack said warily

"You've been acting different lately, like your keeping some secret and I want you remember you can talk to us about it" Sam reassured and Jack sighed walking over to his bedroom door and closed it "Okay, but please don't tell Dean and Cas-just not yet at least"

"Sure" Sam agreed, Jack sat back down on the edge of his bed taking a deep breath, "I like someone" Jack blurted "Oh, really who is it?" Sam asked slightly shocked by Jack's confession not that he thought Jack was doing drugs or something

"I met him a few weeks ago when I went to the store his name is Jordan we've hung out a few times he's really nice, but I don't know if he likes me" Jack said and Sam couldn't help but notice how Jack smiled and blushed when he spoke about Jordan 


Jack nodded "Yes, he" Sam swallowed "Okay well then if you really like him you should ask him out on a date"

"I don't know how" Jack said sadly, "The next time you see him just ask nothing can go wrong with confidence" Sam incouraged

Jack smiled "Thank you Sam"

"But one more thing Jack"

"Yeah ?"

"Are you sure he's into boys ?"


The following day Jack had plans to hang out with Jordan, he headed to the café their usual spot

He was sat down waiting for Jordan to come back with they're coffee "Coffee black with loads of sugar- you know Jack I don't think I'll ever fully understand your addiction to sugar" Jordan joked sitting down at the table "It's not an addiction I just like the taste" Jack retorted

Jordan rolled his eyes though smiled at Jack's argument, Jack cleared his throat "So anyway I-I uh wanted to ask you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"..I want to know if you're free next weekend, for a date..with me?" Jack asked nevervously, Jordan choked on his coffee at Jack's question not because he was disinterested but because he was just in complete shock "Uh-um..what ?" Jordan struggled to say "Would you like to-"

"No Jack-" Jordan chuckled "I heard you the first time it's just-"

"Do you not want to?" Jack asked scared of the answer "What no- I do I just didn't know you were into guys" Jordan said a little too quickly "Well I don’t really have a preference" Jack said happy that Jordan wanted to go out with him

"Oh okay so.."

"This weekend I'll pick you up at 7:00"

"Okay" Jordan said with a smile " It's a date"


"So what did he say ?" Sam asked pressing for answers "He said yes" Jack replied an obvious blush sitting on his face

"So where are you taking him ?"

"I don't know yet but I have some time to figure it out"

"Hey, guys what are you talking about" Dean said entering Jack's room with a knock to the door "Nothing.." Sam trailed off looking at Jack

Jack turned to Dean "Can I borrow your car this weekend?" He asked


Jack looked at Sam who gave an approving nod before saying "I have a date"

"Really with who?" Dean asked surprised by the fact that Jack has going on a date

"A friend their names Jordan"

Dean rasied his brow "Do you like her?"

Sam gave Dean a face that he didn't understand "Yes I like him a lot" Jack corrected

"Him?" Jack nodded and Dean frowned "Huh.. you can have baby but you crash her you fix her and tell your boyfriend that if he hurts you I'll break his face" and with that Dean closed the door


Sorry I know such a shitty ending/chapter cmt if you want a pt2 of Jack and Jordan's date with Dean being all over protective and shit

Also I am still writing that really long chapter it's like 3000 words cause I don't know how to end it

I just figured I had to post something

Tysm for 54 reads !

*Gives you all donut gummies 😊"

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