The Greatest Trick of All

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I really think y'all will like this one


Sam sat in the kitchen his face stuck in a sad pout as he rocked the half empty beer bottle in his hand back and forth; it was his and Gabriel's 3 year anniversary and he was sure his boyfriend wouldn't forget but of course he did

At first he thought it was all part of some surprise Gabriel had for him bit now he wasn't so sure

Sam didn't even know why he was so sad, I mean Valentines Day wasn't really his thing anyway but now he had Gabriel it felt different and it was still their anniversary

"Why the sad face?" Dean asked pulling open the fridge door "Gabriel forgot about our anniversary and Valentines Day" Sam answered dryly

"You don't even like Valentines Day"

"Yeah, I because I never really had anyone to spend it with but I thought that maybe me and Gabriel.."

Dean smirked "Well what do you expect your dating Gabriel dude"


Sam walked into his and Gabriel's bedroom with a sigh, it was official Gabriel had forgotten about their anniversary- one of the most important days of the year and he forgot

Sam felt hurt and slightly angry at the angel, he kicked the bedroom door shut and flopped down on the bed when he heard a sound almost as if he had sat something

He sat up and looked behind him; he had fallen on a flower- a pink tulip to be exact, he frowned next to the flower sat a piece of paper one with Gabriel's handwriting on it 'Find me at the place where we first put our tulips together'

Sam scoffed, he quickly realised that this was one of Gabriel's attempts at a riddle

He sighed thinking for a moment "First put our two lips together?"


3 years ago

Gabriel sat on the roof of the bunker staring up at the night sky, shivering slightly in the cold

He had come up here to get away from the celebration party that was going on; he wasn't in the mood

His time with Asmoudes was still haunting him even though the demon was dead he still felt empty and afraid, he couldn’t even shake someone's hand without flinching at their touch; he felt so ashamed

The door to the roof was suddenly open and a familiar moose walked over to him "Gabriel what are you doing out here? it's freezing"

"Hello to you too Samuel" Gabriel greeted dryly, Sam sighed and sat down with him "What's wrong?" He asked gently

Gabriel rasied his brow "What makes you think there's something wrong?"

"You wouldn't be up here if there wasn't" Sam replied, "Come on you can talk to me- or not talk if you want" He offered with a quiet laugh

"You're nice Sam, but I just don't think you'd understand"

"Yes because I wasn't tortured in hell by Micheal and Lucifer for one-hundered and thirty-six years"

Sabriel/Destiel OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now