Why do you love me?

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Inspired by a Tumblr post

Also kind of short


Sam layed lazily on the couch in Dean's man cave whilst Gabriel slept quietly in their bedroom

He had been sneaking out of his and Gabriel's room for a while because his mind had been somewhere else for the past few days

He'd been questioning him and Gabriel's relationship for a while, the reason they got together in the first place- he loves Gabriel

But why did Gabriel love him?

There was so much wrong with him, he has killed people, he hurt people and literally almost all of his ex's are dead

How did a literal archangel fall in love with him!

He just couldn't see Gabriel loving him of all people?, there are thousands of other humans Gabriel could of loved- but Sam was the human he chose? What did Sam have to offer?

I mean compared to Gabriel, he was nothing

"Do you hate sleep or something?" Gabriel muttered and as he entered the room sleepily in one of Sam's oversized buttoned up flannel shirts, "Babe are you okay this is the 4th time- this week that you haven't been in bed" He said walking up to the couch Sam was laying on and cuddling up next to him "What's up?"

"I'm fine.." He lied not wanting to tell the truth, Gabriel looked unconvinced "It's 3 am in the morning and you are sat in Dean's admittedly cool man cave for some reason" Gabriel sighed "Sam you know you can't lie to me- I know all your little tells" He chuckled softly cuddling up against him, "Seriously what's going on?" He asked concerningly

"...I've just been thinking about us" Sam whispered reluctantly, he didn't even know how to start, Gabriel's brow's flew to his forehead "What about us?" He questioned warily

"It's nothing bad-just.." He assured trailing off "What?" Gabriel pressed gently

After a few seconds of silence Sam finally spoke up "Why do you love me?" Sam muttered quietly, "Sam..-"


Gabriel shook his head slightly "Because I love you" He answered still confused by the question

"I know you do-I just don't get why?-..." Sam sighed "Look what I'm about to say might sound weird or like I'm breaking up with you but I just want you to know that I'm not"

It was at this point Gabriel looked scared but Sam couldn't see his face "Sam l love you because you're you, I don't get why you're-"

"I know you do I just dont know why" He repeated taking a deep breath "Gabriel I've always been different than everybody- I'm barely even human- I just don't feel like I'm good enough for you-I mean there's just so much wrong with me, I'm the freak with demon blood, I've done so many bad things- for god's sakes I'm Lucifer's vessel!, compared to you I'm nothing why would you ever want to love someone like me-?"

"Okay I'm going to stop you right there Sam" Gabriel cut him off and Sam slightly shivered at the angry tone of his voice "Before you say anything that will probably serve in making me angrier than I already am, got it?"

Sam nodded, it was his turn to be scared now "How dare you" Gabriel's voice trembled "-Every single thing that has happened to you wasn't you're fault- I've done way worse things then you have- even questioning why I love you us the biggest insult to me that I have ever heard- why would I go out with you in the first place- why would I feel how I feel towards you if I didn't love you beyond words?" He stroked Sam's face softly and calmed down a bit "..Sam I love you because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me-..I used to think that no human on this earth was perfect- not a single one..but you Sam are perfection at it's finest"


"No- Sam it's done, you can't think like that- ever, you shouldn't put all of that on yourself" Gabriel sighed "I used to think like that too and it almost got to me-..I love you and you love me that's the only thing that matters" Sam let out a shaky breath with a small nod and a smile

"Now come on we should get back to bed, I don't think Dean would appreciate us being in here" Gabriel chuckled lightly and kissed Sam softly before grabbing his hand and pulling him up off the couch

"Hey wait" Sam muttered spinning Gabriel around to face him, wrapping his arms around Gabriel's waist "What?" Gabriel said with a playful smile dancing on his face

"I'm sorry for questioning how you feel about me" Sam said "I love you" He whispered pressing Gabriel's body closer to his "I love you too"


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