JackxClark pt3: The Birds & The Bees

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I got this song from a s8 episode of spn recently and I am in love


"Dean may we talk?" Jack asked sitting down at the map table where Dean was surfing for cases "Sure what's up"

"Well after a few weeks of dating Clark, I have come to the conclusion that I am gay" He said bluntly

Dean pursed his lips, loudly screaming 'called it!' In his head "Okay, is that all?"

"No um..Me and Clark have been together for a while and I want to take the next step but I don't know how"

Dean closed his laptop "And what step is that?"

"...Sex" He whispered shy to talk about it "We've only kissed, I told Clark I wasn't ready yet and he was okay with waiting..but now I think I'm ready"

Dean cleared his throat "And you're sure this is all you?- that Clark isn't getting impatient?" He didn't want anyone to push Jack

"No he doesn't even know I've been thinking about it"

"Okay then I'll give you the sex talk" Dean had never done it before not even for Sam, "Jeez okay, I've never done this before" He thought about it "Condoms- if you're on the receiving end make sure Clark's using a condom"


"To prevent stds- and pregnancy" Dean answered "Or like me and Sam you could just take the pill if you're both clean and don't want to use condoms- I'll get you some later" Dean added at Jack's slightly confused face "Unless you're not a carrier"

"I am" Jack informed and Dean nodded "Even more reason then- we do not need an angel baby around here"

"If at anytime you feel uncomfortable and want to stop- speak up okay, and vis versa if Clark says stop you stop ok?"

"Yes I understand consent"

"Just make sure Clark understands it" He gave Jack a few more tips, nothing into much detail though, he told Jack to make it special and take his time, and with that wished him luck before he ran off to his room leaving Jack to remember everything Dean had said

It had to be perfect

Clark and Jack giggled as they made their way to Clark's bedroom, Jack's legs were wrapped around Clark's waist as Clark led them into the room

They'd just gotten back from their date and Mrs Barker was away so Clark invited him over- Jack thought it was perfect, they had the whole place to themselves

Clark fumbled with the door handle before he could finally open it and get them to the room, he kicked the door shut and they broke apart kicking off their shoes in a hurry

The second Jack got his off, he was back on Clark pulling his shirt eagerly over his head "Woah, you're in a rush" Clark said slowing him down a bit, Jack wiped a strand of hair that fell in their heated make out session behind Clark ear "I want to have sex" Jack breathed "With you"

Clark blinked; no wonder their date had been extra special "Really?- you're sure?- you want me?"

"Yes, I'm sure"

Clark smiled and kissed him again more passionately and less hard, Jack moaned into the kiss and allowed Clark to take him to the bed, after they'd stripped to only their boxers

Clark had Jack pinned underneath him, he could feel Jack's growing erection brush against his as they kissed

"Clark" He whined, Clark slipped his hand into Jack's boxer shorts and wrapped his hand firmly around his dick "Nghhh!" Jack gave a long moan into Clark's neck

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