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Btw this is zuper short (Yes I say 'zuper' don't @ me)


Castiel knelt bending over the
bathroom sink puking his brains out, he stood up and flushed the toilet, wiping his mouth with his jacket sleeve, he groaned eternally he could not be pregnant, what would Dean think?!

They'd only been going out for about two years and having a child was not apart of the plan, he sat on the closed lid of the toilet seat tapping his foot nervously waiting for the pregnancy test results

While he waited he decided to call Gabriel for help

"What is it Cassie I'm busy"

"Gabriel I need your help"


"I think I'm pregnant.."

" you know for sure?"

"No I but- crap" Cas looked down at the stick for a second, there were two lines 'positive'


"It's positive"



"Well what in the hell am I supposed say!"

Cas heard the bedroom door close "Shit Dean's here-just keep it to yourself!" He hung up and threw the stick in the trash, washing his mouth before running out the bathroom

"Hey babe" Dean greeted giving Cas a quick kiss on the cheek "Hey"

"Are you still sick?" Dean asked taking his shirt off getting ready to take a shower, Cas nodded "Yeah I'm sure it's just nothing" He felt his stomach twist, maybe it was because he was pregnant but he really did hate lying to Dean

"Lemme take a shower and then we can get something to eat" Dean suggested "Sure" Cas smiled, Dean kissed his forehead before heading into the bathroom

Castiel sighed and sat down on the bed, he had absolutely no idea what to do "Hey Cas...?!" Dean called, Cas got up and entered the bathroom "Yes?" Dean stood towering over the sink his back facing his boyfriend, Cas could tell he was holding something in his hand

Dean swallowed "What is this?" He turned around holding what Cas recognised as the pregnancy test he threw in the trash, Castiel's face fell and Dean looked down at the floor "Cas are you.." He trailed off not wanting to say the word


Dean immediately sighed "Crap" He muttered and propped himself up on the sink his eyes closed, biting at his top lip trying to understand the situation they were in

He looked at Cas sadly "Cas..we can't raise a kid-not in this world..not right now"

"I know Dean but..I want to"

"Cas-" Dean started, He drew in a cold breath and ran a hand through his hair "Okay" He nodded opening his eyes and facing Cas

"Okay?" Cas questioned, with how Dean looked he didn't seem 'okay' at all

"You really want to keep it?"

Castiel nodded shyly "Yeah I do" Dean walked over to Cas and took his hands in his "Then okay, I guess we're having a baby" He smiled, Cas looked up at him "Really?"

"It's not gonna be easy but..yeah, I love you Cas and if you want this then I completely support your desision" He sighed "No matter how..crazy" He chuckled quietly

"..I love you Dean"

"I love you too Castiel"


Short Destiel floof

P.s I'm currently writing this on the bus and I wrote most of this chapter on the bus as well

Anyway I know I haven't done Destiel in a while so I'm gonna try do some more


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