30 day challenge (12)

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12: Bullot your whole day


I woke up at 5 am and went downstairs to watch tv (specifically the Scooby-Doo episode that comes on everyday) then I had some breakfast and continued rewatching Once Upon A Time s5b

Made some mug cake ate it while scrolling through Tumblr and Tik Tok (lowkey stalked my crush) , then watched s1 of Lucifer while doing a bunch of random shit  (dancing, dressing up etc) because I'm weird like that

Published a new one shot, posted some shitty Tik Tok's (@Rxxreverse) cleaned up the mess  I made and ran upstairs before me dad woke up, so I could write I new chapter for 'Challenge Excepted'

Took a 3 hour nap woke up, made some mug cake with my brother  while jamming to P!atd, while my mom watched saying that the cake would end badly though when we finshed making it and gave her some she went 'That's good!"

Then I facepalmed and started making some chips, and I was nearly done but I gave some to my dad you try and he ate them all so I made some more, trying not to pass out, finally I finished, ate them and had lunch with my brother an hour later -I had chicken and potatoes s11 of spn style lol-

Then I watched Everybody hates Chris -and during it I lost a rock-paper-scissors battle to him to see who would get the door- with my bro because his literally obsessed with that show, then I left srolled through Tik Tok for a bit and then read a Sabriel fanfic on a3o (Over The Rainbow Retreat by Cosplayermadness) 

Hung out with my brother for a Lil bit, made some tea for my dad and then went back to my room to watch s1 of Shameless, had dinner,  read a little bit and went to bed


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