Messy One Night Stands (pt2)

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"Hey Cas how is he?" Gabriel asked his brother nervously, it had been a few weeks since the 'incident' with Sam and for some reason he hasn't been able to get it off of his mind, he literally can't stop thinking about the Winchester, he's tried sleeping with other people to forget -one of the greatest nights of his life- but no luck every time whether it was a man or woman all he wanted was Sam

His feelings for Sam aren't as new as you'd think, ever since Sam helped when Asmoudes tortured him he had felt a spark of warmth in his heart for the kind man, he obviously thought it was just a small thing I mean aren't you supposed to feel grateful to the person who basically saved your life?

But Gabriel knew that it wasn't just gratefulness it was genuine attraction

"Sam is fine like always Gabriel, I don't understand why you can't just see him yourself" Cas groaned, he had been Gabriel's personal spy ever since his brother started to miss Sam and he was getting tired of it

"Because Cassie!" Gabriel exclaimed "It'll be weird, I took his gay virginity and then I broke his heart he probably hates me!" He explained, Cas rolled his eyes "He doesn't hate you Gabriel, I think he misses you"

"How do you know?"

"I don't know for sure, but you didnt have to leave him again, you were also his friend"

Gabriel frowned he never thought about it like that, he didnt think about what him and Sam were before they slept together, and he knew that Cas was right even if he couldn't be with Sam romantically they were still friends, He ran a hand over his face "I am so screwed Cassie"


Sam hopped out of the shower, he dried his hair and wrapped a towel around himself before leaving the bathroom, he took out a pair of pants from his drawer and dropped his towel, he jumped when he heard a whistle "Gabriel?!" He exclaimed covering himself with the towel "What the hell!, are you doing?"

"Aww" Gabriel pouted "Don't cover up, I liked what I saw"

Sam rolled his eyes "Why are you here?"

"What I can't visit a friend?"

Sam blinked the look on his face was incredulous "You have been avoiding me for literal weeks!" He exclaimed annoyedly, Gabriel bit his lip "Well..actually-"

"You ghosted me for weeks?"

"Okay yeah that was..wrong of me" Gabriel admitted with a small awkward shrug before sighing sadly "Look Sam.. after that night I haven't been able to stop think about you, like seriously I can not stop thinking about you" Gabriel said and scoffed "Trust me I've tried"

"Gabriel what the hell are you on about, I already told you that it's fine I get it"

"No Sam I you have to know why" Gabriel pressed softly

"Know what?"

"..I'm not a feelings person I'm very closed of to those kinds of emotions that's why I don't form any emotional attraction to people because I know that they'll eventually just leave me"
Gabriel explained "That's why I made you feel like that night was just sex, but now I think that maybe you're different-that you won't just end up leaving.." Gabriel teared up as he put a hand on Sam's face

"Gabriel" Sam's voice came out shaky and small "What are you saying?"

"I hurt people Sam it's what I do and I'm scared that I'll just end up hurting you"


"-I'm not saying no to a relationship I'm just asking do you really want this, do you really want to be with me?"

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