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Samuel William Winchester

Growing up Sam never really had crushes- well on girls at least, he moved around a lot not having time for many relationships or friends, he was always focused on hunting and school work not wanting to end up like his brother

But Sam always knew he was different not because he was a hunter but because he was attracted to boys he never really understood it but he knew what he felt deep down

He went on dates with girls even kissed them but he felt nothing, when he met Jess he thought she was beautiful, sweet and funny and at first they were friends but then they started dating it happened so fast, I mean Sam did love her but just not in the way he was supposed to

He never talked to his brother or father about it he was scared they'd think he was weird or confused so he kept it to himself

He always ignored Dean trying to 'Get him laid' or find him a girl, he used Jess as an exuse for years but he seriously thought it would be easier if he just told Dean maybe it was because now he had a boyfriend that he loved or because he hated the secrecy and having to sneak around with Gabriel but nonetheless finally decided to tell Dean


Sam walked into his room Gabriel lying on the floor staring thoughtfully into the ceiling, normally Sam would question what the hell Gabe was doing but he was more than used to it by now, besides Gabe always said something really weird like he was 'Contemplating the meaning of life' or something like that

Sam closed and locked the door behind him and started to undress himself getting ready to take a shower

"Oh your back" Gabe said turning his head to look at Sam "Yeah we just got here"

"Miss me?" Gabe said getting up off the floor "Always" Sam said giving Gabe a quick kiss

"Gabriel can I tell you something?" Sam said dropping his shirt to the floor "Sure what's on your mind Samsquach"

"I was thinking of telling Dean about us.." Sam said slowly making sure to watch Gabriel's reaction


"Yeah is it a bad idea ?, I just it's been years-"

"Sam" Gabe said walking up to his boyfriend and cuping the sides of his face "It's a great idea" He finshed and placed a soft kiss on Sam's lips


Sam woke up the next day Gabriel was quietly snoring beside him he slipped out of bed careful not to wake Gabe, he threw on a pair of grey sweats and a random t-shirt and went to get some much needed coffee

"Morning Dean" Sam said as he entered the kitchen "Hey you wouldn't happen to know where Gabriel is?, Cas needs him for something"

"No clue" Sam lied shaking his head he sat down on the table opposite Dean "Is Jack here ?"

"Nah he went out with some friends" Dean said taking a sip of his coffee (I am so excited for 14x16 !)

Sam knew this was the perfect moment to tell Dean "Actually I wanted to tell you something it's kind of important"


"Uh so I've been wanting to tell you for a long long time now but I didn't have reason to until now"

"Sammy your scaring me" Dean joked with a small laugh 

"Dean I'm-..gay" Sam said whispering the last part

"What?-speak up I can't hear you"

"I'm-..Gay" Sam said a little bit more firmly this time though trying not to tear up

The room went quiet too quiet

"How long ?" Dean said finally


"How long have you been keeping that a secret Sammy"

Sam paused for a moment "Since I was 13, Dad he-knew he just never said any thing about it" Sam chocked out looking down, Dean scoffed in disbelief

It went quiet again

"Sammy look at me" Dean said his voice wasn't angry or demanding it was gentle, Sam now crying forced his head up to look at his brother who looked at him with pure pity "Dean I..-"

"You couldn't tell me for that long what did you think I'd be disappointed in you because you like guys ?,that I.." Dean stopped and looked at Sam who had averted his gaze from Dean's "Samuel William Winchester" Dean said with a smile "You are my brother, Sammy your still you..I love you always man"

"Thanks Dean" Was all Sam managed to say

"Mom..does she..know?"

"No I wanted to tell you first"  Sam said wiping the tears from his face

"Why'd you tell me now?"

Sam smiled "I found someone and I love him he makes me happy"

"Well have I met this lucky fella?"

Sam nodded "Yeah actually you have..uh it's  Gabriel"

Dean looked taken back but quickly recovered "I never thought he was your type Sammy" Dean said "I'm happy for you"

Gabriel walked into the kitchen sleepily wearing one of Sam flannel shirts that was obviously to big for him with some sweat pants and Dean just looked back and forth between both of them exchanging 'wtf' glances

"Hey Gabriel" Dean greeted taking a sip of coffee trying to hold back a laugh


"Gabe" Sam said looking down at the table "What?- you said you'd tell him" Gabe protested putting his hands up and the cuffs of Sam's big shirt flopping around his hands

Dean laughed and got up walking out the kitchen

"So did you tell him?" Gabe asked opening the fridge

"Yup just Mom, Cas and..Jack"


Yes I will make pt2 with Sam coming out to Jack,Mary and Cas and maybe a bit of Destiel but WOW 2 chapters in one day

I am on a roll 😂

And yes Sam's real middle name is 'William' though Dean doesn't have one

*Gives everyone candy from Gabe's candy stash*

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