The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you

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//I edited this one too//


Dean was lying down in the motel room they were currently staying while they worked a case something about vamps or whatever as he waited for Sam to come back with food

"Cas...Cas...Castiel...Dude answer me...Cas...Pleeasse" Dean whispered quietly praying for the Angel after a few minutes Dean gave up and continued to stay in silence and just wait for his brother

Suddenly the sound of wings filled the room and Cas appeared standing in front of Dean's bed "Cas!" Dean said surprised by Cas' sudden appearance

"Hello Dean" Cas said sitting down on the edge of the bed "What are you doing here ?"Dean asked "You prayed for me, I apologise for the delay"

"Oh yeah it's fine" Dean said sitting up next to Cas "How are you, Sam mentioned that your still searching for Abbadon"

Dean nodded "Yeah, it's just we still haven't found a way to kill her"

Cas put a hand on Dean's shoulder "I understand Dean but you should be easier on yourself"

"Thanks Cas"

"Dean can I ask you a question"

"Sure, I guess"

"Have you ever been in love?" Dean was shocked by Cas' question was Cas in love with someone? Another angel or a human? Dean stopped mentally freaking out and thought about it was he ever in love I mean there was Cassie but that didn't last and Lisa and Cas but couldn't tell his best friend that he may or may not be in love with him "No, I don't think so Cas" He answered finally

"Oh..ok" Cas said almost as if he was disappointed by Dean's answer "Why are you asking anyway ?"

"No reason.." Cas said he was so quite Dean almost didn't hear him "Cas what's wrong you can tell me anything" Dean said trying to reassure his friend

Cas thought for a moment about what would happen if he told Dean the truth would Dean laugh in his face,be disgusted by the angel but Cas didn't care anymore he didn't want to keep this secret seeing Dean with all those girls knowing he'll never have him the way Cas wanted

Cas forced his head upwards to look at Dean " I like you Dean I.. love you" Dean's eyes widened and they stayed like that for a while so long that Cas got scared and attempted to apologise "I-I'm so-sorry I sho-"

Dean pulled Cas close and their lips were almost touching, Dean didn't want to scare Cas away he looked up into the beautiful blue eyes of the man before him and stared-he was truly in love with Cas since the day they met he was infatuated by the angel Dean kissed Cas softly closing the gap between them he placed his hand on the other side of Cas' face kissing him slightly harder Cas kissed Dean back opening his mouth letting Dean's tounge slip in Cas kissed Dean harder letting him know it was okay to be less gentle Dean understood Cas' sign and roughly pulled Cas closer and Cas stifled a moan Dean's lips left Cas' much to both of there disappointment they breathed heavily missing the warmth of each others lips "I love you too Castiel" Cas smiled he secretly loved it when Dean said his full name

Dean decided he was tired and that he wasn't going to wait any longer for Sam (I'm freaking yawning rn )but he didn't want Cas to leave

Cas realized this and moved to lay down on the bed Dean lying down next to him cuddling Cas in his arms mumbling the words "My angel"
Not long before falling asleep


Dean woke up to the realisation his angle was gone he rolled over and faced the ceiling hoping Cas meant what he said the other night, about loving him

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