Experimenting pt 4: 'Experienced'

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Finally the last instalment of this series that took wayyyyy too long


Also this song is there because I was just listening to it while editing this so.. (also it's awesome)

Rip Marie Fredriksson ❤


He had stayed the night at Gabriel's place like he sometimes did- only this time it was in his bed, in the morning they went out for breakfast before saying their goodbyes and promising to meet up later

The second Sam left Gabriel he called his brother- the one person other than Gabriel that he trusted enough to talk to about his feelings

After his shocking (lol) revelation that he was in love with Gabriel he knew he had some thinking to do, he didn't want to hide his feelings and still have sex with Gabe leaving the feelings to fester and develop until he was cornered by them

But he also didn't want Gabriel to stumble upon someone who he'd end up falling in love with, leaving Sam to hate himself for never saying anything

When he got back to his apartment Dean was waiting for him in the living room, Sam rolled his eyes out of habit 'Really Dean take your feet off my fucking coffee table'

Dean moved his feet "Jeez what's your problem?"

Sam winced- he didn't know he had spoke aloud "Sorry- sorry, I'm just really stressed, trust me I have bigger problems than you putting your feet on my table" He hung his snowy coat and scarf on the coat rack- fucking California weather

"Yeah I could tell by your call- what's up?"

He sat down- he felt awkward not knowing how to start "Okay..so I've recently figured out some things about myself that I haven't told you"

"Things like what?"

"I'm a vegetarian" Sam said as a kind of stall tactic and Dean scoffed "That's not news- next"

Sam huffed "I like cock" He said being as blunt as possible and Dean frowned like he hadn't heard right "Huh?"

"I'm gay!- Dean!" Sam exclaimed sounding frustrated and Dean blinked trying to respond "Okay..I'm bisexual"

Now it was Sam's turn to act like he hadn't heard right "Wait really?"

Dean nodded "Yeah- I'm surprised you didn't know"

"How could I?- all you talk about are girls"

"Remember my friend Leo?" Sam nodded hurriedly "Yeah?"

"I was screwing him" Dean grinned smugly "Oh and Cas?-"



"You slept with Gabriel's brother!"

Dean went a little still "Actually..we're dating- but that's not of importance right now-"

"How is that- why didn't you tell me?!" Sam said "That's awesome dude!" Dean smiled proudly "Yeah it is" He cleared his throat "Anyway is that all you wanted to tell me?"

Sam shook his head remembering why he had called Dean in the first place "No actually, I've been..uh kind of-..messing around with a Novak brother too" He said shyly "..uh Gabriel"

"You and Gabe are dating?"

"No!- no, he just helped me figure out that I was gay...by..sleeping with me"

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