I love you

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"Hey Gabe-what are you doing?" Sam asked looking strangely at his boyfriend "hmm-Oh Samsquach, I wasn't doing anything" Gabriel tried to cover making the thing behind his back disappear

"What was that ?"

"What was what?"

"The thing you just did"

"What..thing I just did ?"

"You were holding something Gabe!"

Gabe looked at Sam if he was crazy "No I wasn't ?"

"Yes you were"

"Are you accusing me of something I didn't do?, I thought we were past that Sammy" Gabe said 'offended' giving a shameful look at Sam

Sam bitchfaced Gabriel but the archangel still didn't cave, Sam rolled his eyes "Whatever" He said hearing a sigh of relief come from Gabriel

"Why are you here anyway I thought you were supposed to be out with Dean and your Mom" Gabriel asked sitting down next to Sam on the bed

"Yeah we just got back" Sam huffed staring lazily unto his boyfriends eyes "You have pretty eyes" He said and placed a hand at the side of Gabriel's face "They're so shiny" Gabe laughed

"Okay yeah Sammoose I think you need to go to sleep"

"I'm not tired Gabe!" Sam protested sleepily

"Sammy your going to sleep" Gabriel said sounding more stern, Sam sighed


"But only if you sleep with me" Gabriel kissed Sam softly on his lips "Of course"

Sam took of his clothes leaving himself in only his boxers Gabriel doing the same, they rolled onto the bed each of they're heads on one pillow "Hey Gabe ?"

"Yeah Sammoose?"

"I love you"

Gabriel opened his mouth words not coming out, it was the first time Sam had ever said he'd loved him and he froze not knowing what to do, so he quickly recovered clearing his throat

"I love you too Sam"


Lil Sabriel

I was contemplating publishing this because I haven't rlly updated in a bit but I just wanted to say Thank you guys for almost 200 reads!, I would love for you to comment more if you have requests or anything like that

Also what do you think Gabe was hiding ?

If you comment and get it right I'll feature you in my next fic !

You know if you care..I mean nobody cares...

Wow that got dark fast


Who else is rewatching Supernatural ?

I'm still on season 1 so I gots to catch up

*Gives everyone marshmallows*

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