Hold on

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They did it

They'd saved Jack and Mary from apocalypse world and everything was okay again, Sam was alive, they got the other hunters back safely-..it was just perfect

That's what Dean thought 

After Bobby's heartfelt toast Dean noticed that Sam wasn't around so he began to look for his brother

In his search he accidentally bumped into Mary "Sorry" He apologised "Mom have you seen Sam anywhere?" Dean asked and Mary frowned "Yeah he's fine, he just needed some alone time you know.."

But Dean didn't know, he raised a brow and Mary raised her's "You didn’t know?"

"Know what?"

Mary shook her head "Gabriel..and Sam..."

Dean's heart instantly ached for his brother, ever since they got back everyone had been happy- he himself had been happy not realising how much pain his brother was in whenever they raised a shot glass

Or seeing Dean and Cas be all lovey dovey towards each other while he had just lost someone he dearly loved

Dean sighed "I'll be back" He muttered and hurriedly ran to Sam's room

His feet stopped at Sam's open door and he watched as Sam sit on his bed with his head in his hands sobbing quitely

Dean frowned sadly before knocking on the door lightly, Sam's head shot up and he immediately began to rub the tears away from his eyes "Dean- I'm fine- you should go back-"

"I know about you and him Sam, you're not okay" Dean said as he entered the room and sat next to Sam "What?" Sam said trying poorly to cover another sob, "Mom she told me" Dean sighed

Sam tilted his head back and rubbed his hands over his wet face, "..We weren't together for long- but I really did love him-" Sam scoffed "I was gonna tell him when we got back-..guess I can't do that now"


Sam looked up at Dean "It's my fault- I pushed him to help us-..he should've never come to with us" He whispered "Just like when Lucifer killed him before- we pushed him to help us and just like everyone who does.. he ended up dead" He sighed "And we just left his body there!-" Sam yelped angrily, pain evident in his voice

He was angry

Angry at himself, everyone he loves just dies- every single one, the tears came back and once again Sam was back to sobbing quietly in his hands with Dean trying hard to console him 



Chuck silently stood over Gabriel's lifeless body, with a sigh he crouched down over the body and snapped his fingers

Gabriel gasped loudly as he instantly sat upright holding his hand over the healed wound on his chest "What-the" He muttered trying to grasp what the hell was going on

"How am I alive?!" He questioned fumbling to get up on his feet to face Chuck "Who the hell are you?!"

Chuck laughed "Of course you don't recognise me- well I don't blame you it has been quite a while huh?, maybe this will help" He sighed "You used to call me father"

Gabriel immediately grimaced "What are you doing here?- one of your son's die and then you finally show up?" Gabriel scoffed angrily "Father of the year"

"I didn't come because of your death no.." Chuck shook his head "I came because your story isn't over Gabriel-..not yet" His face went dark "Not until I say it is" He snapped his fingers in the air and a golden tear appeared, "Through there is a whole new life for you my son-..I'm giving you a second chance at a good life- don't waste it" and just like that he was gone agian disappeared into thin air

"Yeah well screw you" Gabriel muttered into the air, staring suspiciously at the rift

He rolled his eyes and decided to just go through it "Oh what the hell" He exclaimed "Hold on, I'm coming Sammy"


Oof how was that?

It was good wasn't it ?



Maybe half and half ?

Wow okay tough crowd- anyway I hoped that you guys liked this chapter, I know it wasn't very much Sabriel but I kind of liked it

Anyways peace 🌈

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