September 13

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Sam couldn't belive it, 15 years of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, demons, crazed fangirls and this is what does it

It was a run of the mill hunt- until the witch they were after said some random as mumbo jumbo and Dean passed put cold, Sam managed to kill her but when he got back to Dean his brother wouldn't wake up

He'd gotten him into the impala and drove like hell back to the bunker, carrying him to his bedroom to lay him down before frantically calling Cas who determined that Dean was in a spell induced coma "What the hell are we gonna do?"

Cas didn't really know "..Try and find a way to break the spell"

"And if we can't?"

"Dean will most likely be stuck like this for the rest of his life, depending on if the spell worsens his body"

Fuck if that was happening, he called the girls immediately for some extra help, Donna volunteered to distract Alex, Patience and Jack while they worked on how to save Dean, of course Claire wasn't taking no for answer ultimately joining Jody to help

They spent hours searching through every book the witch had but nothing came even close to what was wrong with Dean

Sam suddenly shot up from his chair "I got it!" Cas looked at him "You found a way to save Dean?"

"What is it?" Claire asked impatiently, Sam hesitated a little "..A kiss from his true love"

Claire deflated "Crap" She muttered and Jody frowned "What?- why is that bad?"

"Dean isn't really the type to fall in easy- I guess that witch knew what she was doing when she cursed him"

Jody shrugged "But he's had ex- girlfriend's before right?- he must've loved at least one of them"

Sam sighed "As far as I know Dean's only loved two people, one of which he broke up with a long time ago so I doubt he's still holding any torches and Lisa doesn't remember who he is- so we're basically screwed"

Cas was oddly silent, shying away from saying anything "Cas?- you wanna share with the class?" Claire said noticing the angels shift in expression

"Cas what do you know?" Sam pleaded, "I don't think Dean would like me to tell you-"

"Dean doesn't get a say right now" Claire pointed out, Cas huffed "Maybe..we shouldn't just be looking for female lovers?" 0

Sam frowned "Wha..- Cas are you saying that Dean's been with guys?" He shook his head "No that's..he would've told me if he was-"

"He said that he didn't find it important enough, but I think he was afraid" Cas said "He trusted me with his secret long before we were good friends and I promised I wouldn't tell you-or anyone else"

"Yeah well when he wakes up I'm gonna make damn sure he knows I love him no matter what"

"Where do we even start?" Jody asked "If Dean's been with guys and never told us then we're still screwed"

Cas shook his head "Not entirely, Dean told me about a boy he used to date, Leo I think, he said that they were very much in love but because of his father and hunting they broke up"


Dean was lost- or at least he thought he was, standing in pitch black darkness "What the-" It was suddenly daytime

He was outside, sitting on a bench watching Sam play football- he looked down at himself and frowned 'what the hell was going on?' He thought to himself

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