Why don't you put that fucking phone down?

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Gabriel layed awake in the darkness of his bedroom staring blankly at the ceiling while his boyfriend slept on the other side of the bed far away from him

They'd been doing that a lot recently, -not being close- to each other, Sam would come home and the first thing he'd do was run to his office and on his computer, then they started eating  dinners separately, stopped going out on dates and then eventually they stopped sleeping together

They were so close, yet so far apart, it just seemed like Sam was more interested in his phone than Gabriel, and it started to make his boyfriend feel terrible like he wasn't good enough

And Gabriel isn't one to complain about attention but they're supposed to be bestfriend's, before when Sam would come home he'd whine about his day and Gabriel would laugh yet still try to comfort him, they'd watch  tv shows while snuggled up on the couch and go on fun dates every once in a while

But then suddenly it just all slowly started to stop and Sam became less interested in Gabriel and more in his work

When Sam came home he'd run straight into the office without out so much as a 'hello' and at first Gabriel thought that Sam just must've been busy but then stopped the stories about each others day, cuddles and hanging out-the amazing and romantic dates

It just all stopped

And Gabriel had no idea why..the old Sam always made time for him but now it was like he wasn't even there

If Sam wanted to break up why not just do it straight up instead of pull away?

It was so frustrating, he turned his head to look at the sleeping man beside him, he wanted so badly for Sam to talk to him- tell him what was wrong but everytime he tried he got nowhere

With a sad sigh Gabriel turned around and forced himself back to sleep ignoring the tears that ran freely down his cheeks


"Sam can we talk?" Gabriel asked semi-confidently, stepping into the office ready to find out if his relationship was over or not

Sam hummed not looking away from his laptop barely noticing his boyfriend, Gabriel was suddenly filled with anger causing him to stomp over to Sam's desk and slam his laptop shut

"Gabe what the hell!" Sam complained finally looking up at Gabriel "-I said we need to talk"

"About?!" Sam questioned slightly annoyed, "About us Sam!" Gabriel yelled unintentionally "It's like half the time you're here but you're not and I just- I-" He huffed tiredly "What happend to you Sam?- what happend to us?"

Sam was at a loss for words, he tried but nothing came out "Nothing?" Gabriel scoffed "I mean we don't even have sex anymore- I get it if you're just not into that but- damn Sam!- if- if you can't just talk to me and look away from your phone for one second then we're not doing what I thought we were doing!" Before Sam could even try to respond his phone started ringing and Gabriel glared at him with a look of pure fury "I swear to god if you answer that I walk right out that door"

Sam sighed turning off his phone and  standing up "C'mon" He whispered leading Gabriel out of the room and into the bedroom

They both sat down at the foot of the bed not looking at each other, Gabriel's eyes in tears and Sam's slowly forming them

"Sam why?-why did it stop what happened?" Gabriel asked his voice weak and trembling "We used to talk to each other about these things- but you ignored me you pushed me away you made me feel like you you're tired of me- of our relationship"

Sam instantly felt terrible at hearing his lovers pained voice; he had been off lately- depressed if you will, it was like one day he was happy and then the next a grey cloud was hovering above his head

He didn’t want to talk to or be near anyone and sadly that included Gabriel, He sighed "..I'm sorry Gabe, I've been going through my own thing lately and I just.."

"Why not talk to me?" He tried not to raise his voice

"-I know Gabe I know, I just forgot I wasn't alone and I that I was hurting you too" He put a hand on the side of Gabriel's wet cheek wiping away a tear "I'm so sorry baby"

Gabriel sniffed batting his eyelashes "Yeah..just don't do it again" Sam kissed him "I promise" He muttered in between small kisses "..Just for the record I actually have missed the sex" He added seductively making Gabriel grin slightly "Oh yeah?"

Sam nodded and attacked Gabriel's mouth, Gabriel expressed a loud moan but didn’t hesitate as he climed onto Sam's lap

-Oh how much he had missed the feeling of Sam's lips on his, kissing down to his neck, sucking and biting at the skin as they grinded on each other moaning needily at the feeling

Now left in only their boxers having tossed their no longer needed clothes to the side, Sam pulled Gabriel's down and began jerking his cock slowly as Gabriel writhed and moaned under him "Fuck- Sam" Gabriel panted "I need you- inside..now" He whined slightly as Sam released his grip on his cock and flipped him over onto his stomatch

Sam pulled off his own boxers and stroked himself lightly before pressing into Gabriel fitting perfectly around his hole causing him to groan out in pleasure; he'd missed this almost as much as Gabriel did, hearing the soft and needy moans that left their mouths, leaving a trail of hickey's on Gabriel's neck letting everybody know who he belonged to- he missed it all

He pulled Gabriel's ass up by his hips and Gabriel rolled them back onto Sam's cock reaching desperately for a release, hiding his head in the pillow as Sam fucked him senseless he felt his orgasam nearing as the pleasure rose

"Fuck- Sam!" He screamed out, his eyes rolled to the back of his head not being able to hold back the slutty moans as Sam went faster hitting is prostate almost everytime "Gabe-" Sam pulled out with a loud moan and turned the man on his back, cumming all over Gabriel's stomach as Gabriel came himself panting hard

"Fuck I missed that" He huffed smiling and Sam grabbed is hand "Yeah me too" They laughed for a bit coming down from their glorious high

Sam pushed Gabriel's messy hair out of his face "I love you Gabriel" He breathed and Gabriel's heart melted; he hadn't heard Sam say that in a long time "I love you too Samsquatch"

Sam groaned rolling his eyes at the name and making Gabriel laugh
"Come on you love that nickname"

"No I don't and I never will"

"What about Samich, or Samshine or  Sammoose- oohh I like that one!, wait Sammy were are you going?!" Gabriel pouted with a small laugh as he watched his annoyed boyfriend head for the bathroom

Needless to say
       he was happy again


Boom bitches!  New chapter!

Please stttaaappp with all the applause you're making me blush

Hope you guys actually liked this because shit took time

Anyways adios 💕

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