Wishing You Were Here (Happy Birthday Sam!)

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Yes this is my official Sam Winchester birthday chapter so sit back and enjoy!


Dean slung his arm over Sam's shoulder "Happy birthday Sammy" He grinned; what had mean't to be having drinks with a few close friends turned into a full fledged surprise party when Sam came home from a beer run

The party had just started and though Sam was incredibly happy and thankful he couldn't help but feel like something was missing

Sam smiled back "Yeah thanks Dean" Dean sighed dramatically "I can't believe you're what 37 now?- it feels like just yesterday I tricked you into jumping off of that shed"

Sam winced, face red with embarrassment "Oh, please don't tell anyone that story"

"I have too!- it was hilarious- especially when you broke your arm!"

Sam nodded swallowing down the rest of the whiskey in his glass before he stood from the map table "Yeah you have fun with that-"

"Where are you going?"

"I just need to think, I'll be back soon"

He found himself heading up to the roof, he quietly shut the door and walked over to the edge leaning over the railing

He stared down at the flower garden below him, he gave a heavy sigh just as heard a sound behind him like- wings?- he turned around fast but it wasn't who he thought it was "Cas?- what are you doing here?"

Cas shrugged taking a step closer to Sam "Just checking if you're okay- everyone's looking for you"

"I'm okay Cas just needed some air"

Cas frowned "Do you not like the party?- I told Dean-"

"No- Cas I love it really..I just" He hung his head sadly "I thought that Gabriel would be here" He sighed; he had really wanted the angel to spontaneously show up, but then again Gabriel wasn't somebody that he could count on

He didn't even know why he wanted Gabe to be here..so he could kiss him and tell him that he loved him?- that he actually felt the same way?

"My brother why?"

Sam shrugged "I don't know.." He breathed "..I just need to be alone for a little bit" He told Cas and the angel nodded in understanding leaving Sam to his thoughts

..So he thought about Gabriel until his face started to become wet with tears "Nice job, Winchester" He muttered under his breath as he wiped them away

A few seconds later he heard another gust of wings "Cas- really I'm fine"

"Hate to break it to you kiddo but.. I'm not Cassie"

Sam had never turned around faster, "Gabriel?" The archangel flashed him a smile "Hey kiddo- I haven't missed it have I?"

Sam shook his head "No- I just..I didn't think that you were gonna show"

Gabriel shrugged nonchulantly with a cool breath "Yeah well I wasn't gonna miss my favourite human's 37th birthday"

Sam raised a brow "I'm your 'favourite human' ?"

"Well it's definitely not Dean- I don't think he likes me too much" Gabriel beamed, a great big smile as he walked closer to Sam "..You know not to sound stalkery or anything but I may of heard your little thought about me kissing you"

Sam didn't even have time to react before Gabriel was on his toes reaching up to plant a kiss on his human's lips, Sam held onto him tight not going to give him the chance to let go even though he could just vanish into thin air

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