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Thank you for the OFC of Syd courteousy of SydTheDid

Anyways hope you guys like this chapter!- sorry it took so long to post I am very lazy..


"Cas.." Dean smiled rolling over onto his back slugging his arm over his head "Morning"

Cas kissed him on the cheek "Good Morning" He frowned "What time is it?- I don't think Sam would like us to be late"

"It's like a 4 hour ride-"

"You can sleep in the car" Cas insisted, Dean sighed "Fine, but I want kisses first" Cas chuckled and complied with Dean's request kissing his husband feverishly

Dean smiled "Okay now we can go"

They took a quick shower before grabbing their bags and meeting Sam in the war room

"Took you long enough" Sam said, Dean rolled his eyes "Yeah- yeah let's just get going"

"Why are we going to this thing again?" Dean asked on the drive having finally stopped asking of they were there yet "He was a hunter Dean" Sam answered from the drivers seat

His brother scoffed "Remember the last hunter's wake we went to?-" Sam paused "..That was unfortunate but this isn't going to be the same"

Castiel frowned "What happened at the last one?" Dean shrugged "Oh- nothing we just almost died"

Sam shook his head "Don't listen to him Cas" Castiel nodded "I won't, Dean's just being a drama queen"

Dean gasped "Cas!" He exclaimed dramatically, "You're supposed to be my husband!"

"I am Dean but Sam is right- don't you want to see Jody and Claire again?"

Dean sighed "I guess you're right.." He layed down in Cas' lap "Wake me up when we get there"


While Sam and Cas chose to spend their time socializing Dean thought his was better spent at the bar, even if Cas didn't like the idea of him getting drunk


The bartender asked him, but Dean shook his head "Nah, I promised someone I would try to cut back"

The bartender chuckled "What your angel friend got you on a tight leash?"

"Actually it's husband now" Dean informed him, he and Cas had only had their shotgun wedding a few months ago, "Congrats" the bartender said before he tended to another person

The kid sitting next to him gaped slightly- he couldn't of been older than seventeen "Dean Winchester- you're gay?" He exclaimed in surprise, "I'm bi- and you look too young to be at one of these things.."

"Adrian" The kid supplied "And I am, my dad dragged me and my sister here, we grew up hunting, knew the guy who died"

Dean eyed him "Something tells me you had other future plans in mind" Dean said, Adrian nodded with a sigh "I'm smart, like really smart and I like gadgets- tech stuff, but everytime I mention wanting to go to college and have an actual career my dad shuts me down, it sucks"

"Yeah no kidding"

Adrian frowned "But you were brought up in the life"

Dean nodded "Doesn't mean I didn't want to other things, I never imagined I'd be hitched to an angel but.."

"Yeah a male angel" Adrian said, Dean didn't like that tone "You got a problem with that?"

Adrian shook his head "No, just surprised- didn't think you'd be the type with how everyone talks about 'The Winchester brothers'"

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