Don't hurt him

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When Dean found out about Sam and Gabriel's relationship you can imagine he wasn't happy

Which led to him and Gabriel always picking fights usually when Sam wasn't around

The young Winchester didn't even know about the fights

But in this particular fight what Dean and Gabriel didn't know was that Sam was listening in..


Sam walked through the halls of the bunker looking to find his archangel of a boyfriend

As he neared his brothers room he heard arguing between Dean and Gabriel?

He peered over the door watching the two boys

"Name.. 13 things you even know about him ?!" Dean asked he hated Gabriel and knew he was going to break Sam's heart sooner or later

"He has a everlasting fear of clowns, he's lactose intolerant, when he was 6 he dressed up as batman thinking he could fly and jumped off the roof of a shed, he's liks to eat rabbit food like all the frickin time but I'm not complaining cause' oof those abs-"

Sam smiled before turning red trying not to make a sound


"Huh?-oh yeah sorry, his birthday is May 2nd, he hates halloween because he puked on some chick, he's a total nerd and has a thing with serial killers but it's adorable to watch him light up like a christmas tree" Gabriel smiled dazely "He prefers girl to guys, his favourite childhood moment is when you and him lit fireworks on the 'Fourth of July', He hates all of the nicknames I give him but I know he secretly likes when I call him 'Samshine', and he likes watching the sunset because it calms him down especially when he's had a panic attack" Gabriel finished "Done yah happy ?!"

Sam was taken aback he didn't even think that Gabriel listened when he told him all of that or would even remember that he said it

He had no idea how much his archangel loved him

"Woah I didn't even know Sam had panic attacks, you really do love him don't you ?" Dean said realising that Gabriel might actually be good for his little brother

"To the ends of the earth"

Dean huffed "Fine but if you ever hurt him so help me I will kick your ass"

"I wouldn't have it any other way Dean-O"


"Hey Samshine" Gabriel greeted entering him and Sam's room

"Hey Gabe" Sam smiled placing his book down and getting up to plant a soft kiss on his boyfriends lips

"What was that for ?, not that I didn't enjoy it" Gabriel muttered as the kiss broke "What I can't kiss my boyfriend without a reason?" Sam teased playfully

"No you definitely can" Sam chuckled moving back to his book and Gabriel slumped over the chair eating candy

"Hey Gabriel?"

"Mm?" Gabriel hummed with a sucker in his mouth

"Did you really listen when I told you all that stuff ?" Sam asked quietly


"It's just-I overheard you talking with Dean" Gabriel's face fell and he sat upright "Uh..well-I mean yeah of course I listened Sam" Gabriel confessed "I-..I really do love you"

"I love you too Gabriel" A wave of shock washed over Gabriel's face his heart racing but he quickly recovered his heart beat slowing down

Sam Winchester loved him


Zuper short I know but my WiFi is out to I decided to finish this chap

Hope y'all enjoyed

*Gives everyone Sabriel*

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