Well..here's the thing about Dean

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Sam had left to find the tech tent leaving Dean to explain to Charlie what had happened over the past few months

"Wow" Charlie breathed shocked by Dean's story "You went to a place called purgatory ?"


"With an angel"


"And you made friends with a vampire...you lived the adventure I've always wanted to" She smirked "Cool"

"No Charlie it was not cool we had to fight everyday I thought Cas was dead he-"

Charlie cut him off "-Cas, huh so the angel has a name..are you two..." Charlie trailed off with a suspicious glance towards Dean

Dean's eyebrows shot up as he realised what Charlie was insinuating "What..no!-no no we're just friends"

"Oh it's just the way you were talking about him I thought.." She shrugged "Never mind"

Dean huffed "Can you keep a secret?"

"Your talking to the girl who has reinvented herself twice, yeah I can keep a secret Dean"

Dean scoffed at the girl "So what is this secret anyway?"

Dean looked around the tent "Well..uh me and Cas we.."

Charlie's eyes widened "Dean Winchester you ladies man!"

"-It was one time okay..I mean with him but.."

"Dean" Charlie said her voice becoming more serious "You like him it's okay to be a dude who like dudes-"

Dean cut her off slightly angry "-I'm not gay! I still like girls-I'm.."


"Yeah, like that- It's just I don't know if he even feels the same way"

"Well how did you two meet?"

Dean smiled "He saved me from hell"

"Okay..that's-wait how is that even possible?!"

"He's an angel"

"Right. Ok has he done anything special for you ?"

"He rebelled against heaven for me" Dean answered with another smile

"This isn't working..look Dean I'm not great with guys like..at all but my advice to you is to just talk to him tell him how you feel"

"Yeah but what if he doesn't feel the same way and what if he does what do I tell Sam and everyone else ?"

"Fuck 'em, If they don't except you you've always got me and my girlfriend"

"You don't have a girlfriend"

"Not yet" Charlie said with a devilish smirk

"Thanks Charles"

"Anytime bitch, now shall we go search my kingdom ?"


Sorry this chapter is rlly shitty

I made it in less than an hour like I honestly just want to go back to watching Harry Potter I'm soo tired

It's short because I just wanted it to be how Dean would come out to Charlie

Hope you liked it I'm already working on a new chapter it's kind of Sabriel I guess.. I'm still going to post the other part of 'The Story of Sabriel'


Once I've actually writen it


*Gives everyone beef BBQ sandwiches*

(I'm starving right now) :(

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