Hunting Buddies

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"Dean?" Castiel called as he knocked on Deans bedroom door. "It's open!"

Castiel stepped in to see Dean, pulling up his jeans although his briefs could be seen. "Hey, you need something?" He asked looking up. Castiel closed the door, "Sam and Jack found a case, it's not far. He wanted to know if you can be ready in an hour."

"Yeah, I can be ready in thirty." He reached for his shirt on the bed, "Y'know I was thinking we could take some time off soon- I got a list of movies you need to see."

Castiel smiled, "Oh? I need to see them?" Dean hummed, nodding. "Preferably with snacks and a little making out- in between the important bits of course."

Castiel smiled again, nodding. "I'd like that."

True to his word Dean was ready in half an hour and less than twenty minutes later they were on their way to the small town where the case was taking place.

"What do you think we're hunting?" Jack asked, looking over at Sam who was brushing up on the news reports of the case. "Uh, I don't know Jack. You think one thing and it could be an entirely different creature."

"Yeah lets just hope this case doesn't last more than a week."

Sam looked at his brother in the rear view mirror, "Why? You got something planned?"

"No, but I would much rather be having a movie marathon with Cas than salt and burning ghosts."

"Mmhm. Sure."

Dean rolled his eyes at his brother but just kept driving.

The initial story in the papers was that men were dying at random due to viscous beatings in town. There wasn't a lot to go on but it sounded suspicious enough to investigate.

Sam and Jack teamed up to ask the locals and family members about the deaths while Dean and Castiel went to the morgue.

The latters trip was quicker due to the fact that the victims were all killed the same way so there was no reason to look at all the bodies. They were beaten to death by something that was very angry.

"So?" Dean asked when Sam and Jack entered the motel room, back from interviews. "So," Sam started, pulling at his tie. "I think we found a connection- or at least a reason why the spirit is going after these victims."

"Okay what's that?"

"They were gay, or at least had same sex attraction." Jack answered. It was hard to listen to family members talk about their loved ones as if they had the hate crime coming to them. 

Sam nodded, "Yeah, small town, people talk." He said, "The families wanted it kept out of the papers but they were all found dead outside or near a gay bar."

Castiel frowned, "So the ghost is homophobic?"

"Looks like." 

Dean nodded. "So you get a name for its hunting ground?"

"Not yet but I doubt there are many gay bars in this place."


Castiel looked at Jack, "What did you say?" Jack shook his head, "Oh, uh the brother of the last family we spoke to, he told me that his brother would sneak out to that bar. The rest of the family didn't know."

"That's gotta be it." Sam decided. "Okay then we'll go tonight and ask around." Sam laughed at his brothers suggestion, "Dean, it's a gay bar. People in this town go there to avoid being judged and stared at. If two cops show up no ones gonna speak to us."

"Okay, smart guy what's your plan then?"

"We go undercover." He avoided his brothers eyes as he said the next part. "Or more specifically you and Cas go undercover."

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