Before School Special

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Gabriel banged at the door again in frustration as it just wouldn't open "This is all your fault Winchester." He accused frustratedly, kicking the door in anger as he gave up trying to open it.

Dean's eyebrows rose "How the hell is this my fault?" It was three am, two days before summer ended and school began again. They thought it'd be exciting to break into the school for a little fun, Gabriel had texted Dean first with the idea and then he texted Castiel to get his bestfriend on board, only a tiny bit surprised when Castiel agreed and then it was Jo, and Charlie and Andy, and eventually his brother Sam.

They were just going to run around and do whatever, Andy brought beer and cigarettes to smoke, Dean used his 'skills' to unlock the doors with a bobby pin and the place was theirs. They drank and messed around in classrooms, it was Gabriel who mentioned the basement, apparently the school was super old and the basement was full of junk they kept stored away.

Castiel and Sam were skeptical but Dean just slung an arm around his friend and promised him protection from the ghosts that hid out down there, which didn't exactly calm Castiel down but wherever Dean went he was definitely going to follow.

When they'd entered the basement Jo had put a door stopper in it so they wouldn't get locked down as they explored the old basement, there were many things in boxes but some stuff was left out though covered in tons of dust.

They looked through the boxes finding old sports trophies and yearbooks, laughing at the pictures and all the other junk. Castiel could barley contain his excitement when he found a first edition of Around The World In 80 days book by Jules Verne, cluching the book to his chest before flipping through it excitedly while Dean smiled at how adorable Castiel looked but the boy was too engrossed with his book to notice Dean's staring.

Gabriel found one of those old ball in a cup toys and was attempting to get the ball into the cup repeatedly, ignoring Charlie's laughter at his frustration. Jo found a pair of boxing gloves and immediately put them on, punching at the air with swift jabs.

"Uh Andy?- do you really think that it's a good idea to smoke down here?" Sam asked as Andy lit his cigarette in the poorly lit basement, Sam was sure that a few of the things down there were definitely flammable but Andy just gave a shrug "Eh."

Sam rolled his eyes and went back to looking through a box, he didn't find anything that really interested him and he sighed, he felt off- his eyes scanned over the room at all his friends occupied with their finds and stopped at his brother who had found and was now wearing their school's old football jacket from the 90s, checking himself out in a long mirror that was leaning against more boxes.

As he rolled his eyes he caught sight of a camera in the top corner of the room, the red light was on and no one but him noticed it, "..Hey guys maybe we should leave.." He suggested; if it was for security they'd be screwed before school even started.

"Why you getting scared already Sammy?"

"Shut up Gabe I'm serious, we can go to the pool or something."

Charlie nodded at him "I'm down for a swim, Dean?" Dean looked away from the mirror "Sure,, Cas?"


"We're leaving, bring your book."

Castiel folded the page and closed the book, letting Dean pull him up by his hand from the wooden stool he sat on "Okay."

Andy put out his cigarette and Jo followed as they all started to leave much to Sam's relief, until Dean tried to pull at the door and it wouldn't open, Jo frowned suddenly realising something "I put a door stopper there did one of you move it?"

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