It's a hard life

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Dean knocked on Castiel's bedroom window with a smirk, his boyfriend was sat cross legged on his bed math book in his lap, glasses on and pencil in hand as he worked looking between his notes and the math book, he had a single earphone in connected to his phone and the other hung free.

Dean always admired Castiel, how smart he was, his brain was unique, completely like no other. He sometimes wondered how a guy like him wound up with an adorable bookworm like his boyfriend. He smiled through the glass, but it didn't matter to him..not even a little.

He pushed up the glass just as Castiel looked up eyes widening as he tugged out his earphone, "Dean!" He said in a hushed yell, "What are you doing here?- my parents are home." Dean almost rolled his eyes, Mr and Mrs Novak..Naomi and Chuck or as Dean liked to call them, assholes.

Extremely religious pricks, they were fine with Castiel being gay, though Dean knew that they still held out hope that it was phase and Castiel would marry a nice Christian girl at twenty one. Dean and Castiel had been close since they were little but then they got older, Castiel was the slightly introverted smart nice kid who came from a good home and Dean was the leather jacket wearing bad boy who was influencing their child.

And sure Dean did have the occasional drink and smoke, I mean you kind of have to when your dad is a shitty and physically abusive drunk who leaves and shows up whenever he wants but he never once forced his life on Castiel, he never pressured his boyfriend into drinking or smoking, Castiel could make his own choices.

"I'll be quiet I promise, and it's not like we haven't snuck out before." It was true when you had parents like Castiel's who had to approve your friend list and  Dean didn't make the cut- not after he started causing fights and skipping school, so they started to get creative at around age thirteen.

"That's different we almost got caught last time."

Almost was an undersatment, Dean snuck into Castiel's bedroom on occasion whenever the boy couldn't leave home and he always left unnoticed but on this particular instance Castiel's parents were out and since he wasn't allowed to leave the house after the last time he was caught with Dean the boy snuck in and they spent their time watching tv and cuddling in Castiel's bed, they didn't hear the car pull up but thankfully Dean heard footsteps nearing the door and thought fast.

Chuck and Naomi entered to find Castiel on his bed reading, his hair was slightly messy from trying to fix it with his hands in less than a minute and his lips were swollen from all the kissing he and Dean did but he just prayed his parents wouldn't notice.

Dean was rooting through Castiel's drawers looking for something and both boys had looked up, with frowns on their faces, Castiel's parents glared at Dean but the boy layed it on thick, greeting them with all smiles and explaining that he'd left a school book over the last time he was around and Castiel let him in to find it.

The Novaks quickly scolded the two and Dean was rudely thrown out without any 'book'. Needless to say it was the last time they tried that and Castiel was currently still on 'house arrest' for his constant 'disobedience' having not seen Dean anywhere but school for almost a two weeks, they managed to sneak in some time together between lunch breaks but that was it and it wasn't nearly enough.

"Maybe but your parents are sleeping and I doubt they're gonna come check on you now, its like ten don't they go to bed at eight?" Okay yes maybe Dean memorised the time his boyfriend's parents go to sleep for..future purposes.

"I don't doubt it..not much anyways I've been sneaking around with you so much they're making me ask forgiveness at church."

"For hanging out with me?"

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