Messy One Night Stands

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Warning: SMUT


Sam sat in a random bar downing his 3rd beer, he knew that bars weren't really his thing but Dean was passed out in their motel room so he figured why not, the alcohol took his mind off the things he didn't want to think about anyway

He was almost done with his beer as he spotted a certain golden haired archangel walking over to him, he was slightly taken aback for a second he hadn't seen Gabriel for the past week or so, he honestly thought the angel had ran off agian "Gabriel what are you doing here?"

"Well I was sitting over there checking out this guy and then all of a sudden I'm just like wait a second I know that hair!" Sam laughed "How you been Sammy I mean this the last place I'd ever expect to see you"

Sam sighed "I don't really know why I'm here?" He answered confusedly, "I've just got a lot on my mind lately"

"And what?, alcohol is just going to wash all your problems away?" Gabriel said, him and Sam became somewhat friends after Gabriel 'came back from the dead' so he was always upfront with Sam about things, it was one of his many 'quirks' Sam liked about him

"For now it is" Sam muttered and took another swig of beer "Lay it on me" Gabriel said "Come on tell me what's runin' around in that cro-magnon skull of yours"

Sam shook is head "I can't it's personal"

"Great!,I love personal spill" Sam nodded "Okay.. but you have to drink 10 shots" Sam proposed "Since you're an angel you probably wouldn't feel just 1 shot"

Gabriel laughed "Game on Sammy, just don't cry when I down 'em like water"


They ended up getting completely hammered and forgetting the reasons why they started to drink in the first place, it was partly Gabriel's fault he had convinced Sam to drink way more than he bargained for

"Hey-Sam you have got great hair" Gabriel giggled drunkenly "Hair, what a funny word- hairrr h-a-i-r"

"You have a cute giggle" Sam smiled "And stunning eyes" He said placing a hand on the side of Gabriel's face pulling him closer till their lips were almost touching "Imagine the things I could do to you-or you do to me, I'm not picky" He whispered, his eyes staring down at Sam's lips

Gabriel let out a shaky breath "We should get outta here, maybe I don't have to imagine" He suggested pushing away from Sam and standing up wobbling on his feet, Sam stood up as well and took Gabriel to the back too the motel

Sam got a room just for the two of them seeing as he didn't need to be bombarded with Dean's questions in the morning

Before they had even made it into the room their lips were already stuck together in drunken passion, Sam reached behind himself to open the door leading them both into the room

He shut the door and they both hurriedly kicked off their shoes, their lips not separating for a second, Sam gently placed a hand on Gabriel's chest before pushing him down on the bed

He crawled on top of Gabriel and joined their lips back together, Gabriel's hand slid up Sam's shirt as he flipped them over so that he was on top he attacked Sam's neck biting and sucking at the soft skin, Sam moaned in pleasure as Gabriel left purple marks all over his neck "Shirt" Sam breathed pulling at the thin fabric garding Gabriel's chest, Gabriel snapped his fingers "Better?" He asked

"Definitely" Sam smirked

Gabriel's hands made their way down to the bottom corner of Sam's shirt, he tugged at it slightly before swiftly lifting it over Sam's head "Fuck Sam" Gabriel muttered in awe of Sam's impressive build "I take back everything I said about your rabbit food" Sam chuckled lightly under his breath, Gabriel smiled and kissed his way down Sam's chest making Sam shift at the wet feeling on his stomach

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