Valid (Bisexual Pride!)

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Before we begin have yall seen the thing Google did? Whenever you type in anything pride related, gay, bisexual, pansexual, lgbt etc this happens

Before we begin have yall seen the thing Google did? Whenever you type in anything pride related, gay, bisexual, pansexual, lgbt etc this happens

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I just think it's really cool.

Also back in May I post a chapter for Jack Klines birthday but I think it didn't publish so I had to re publish, even though I did it weeks ago but if you see in now check it out.

Now without further ado- let the bisexual commence 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


"For the last time Dean you look perfect!"

Dean groaned at the mirror "Charlie you don't get it this guy is super cute I need to stand out!" He knew he was being overdramatic but he'd had a crush on the guy for a while now and seeing him in almost every lecture he had did not make it go away which led his friends into forcing him to just ask Castiel out.

He wasn't who Dean would usually go for, he was a little dorky and wore a lot of tshirts with references to shows like The Big Bang Theory and The Flash as well as math symbols especially over a flannel or button up but that just added to his cuteness- and his face?- it was like sexy and adorable at the same time, it was impossible for Dean not to fall for him even if they'd barley spoken but don't even get Dean started on the guys voice-

"Cas is a fucking saint he will not care if you don't go all out on your first ever date!" She exclaimed frustratedly after having to sit and critique Dean's outfits for nearly an hour "Dean you're just being ridiculous you look good."

"Good- not great."

"Dean Winchester you are stalling, if you don't get your sexy ass out of here right now and take Cas on the best date of his life I will forcibly remove you."

Dean blinked once at Charlie who was glaring every so slightly before turning to blink at the mirror..okay, maybe he was stalling and maybe the fitting dark blue pants, black shirt and short sleeved denim jacket did look..okay. He threw up his hands in surrender "Fine..I'm going."

Charlie stood from Dean's bed with a sigh of relief and the smile had returned to her face, "Thank god now c'mon you don't want to be late."

Dean grabbed his wallet, quickly shoving it into his pocket before following Charlie downstairs to where his brother and Gabriel were, probably waiting to wish Dean good luck "Oh god my eyes!" Dean screeched the second he saw them while Charlie just wolf whistled her approval.

"Wow, you guys sure don't waste anytime."

Gabriel had been trapped underneath Sam's bigger body while they made out passionately, his hand on the back of Sam's neck encouraging his kisses as his hands were working on Gabriel's pants. When Dean's voice sounded Sam immediately sat up while Gabriel panted, still laying on the couch.

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