His Last Words

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Huge trigger warning here, there will be talk of cutting in some parts of this chapter and a slightly graphic suicide attempt as well as heavily implied depression but I promise this ends with a happy ending

I wasn't initially going to have it be happy because when I started writing this as I was depressed as hell and I still am but I chose to see the brighter side of things, let people know that it does get better it just takes time no matter how long

Quick TW for the song as well, it's very beautiful but it depicts death and the before and aftermath of suicide, I like it a lot but for those of you who are struggling I wouldn't recommend listening

Anyways I hope you like and enjoy this one 💛💚


Sam Winchester had a good life, well on the inside sure, nice enough mom who cared and a hard working dad as well as an awesome older brother

The perfect American family

Dean was star football player and he had the best grades, his parents constantly congratulated both of them, never favoring one over the other

He didn't hate his family, but if someone told him before he was born that life was going to be this hard he would've opted not to be born, that was something he was sure of

He just felt as if he never existed then no one would miss him, that's how everyday felt since he was twelve

"Sam!" His redheaded friend exclaimed running up to him "Hey Anna" He gave a forced smile, "You haven't been answering my texts!- I thought you were dead or something"

Sam almost laughed at that, "Why?-what happened?" He asked grabbing his books out his locker as slamming it shut, "We're getting new kids" Anna answered "Gabriel Novak and his brother Cas"

Sam raised a brow "And I care because..?" Anna gaped slapping him playfully on the shoulder "These are the first newbies we've had since you and Dean showed up"

"Hey Sammy" Dean said ruffling up Sam's hair, "It's Sam" Sam said with a roll of his eyes trying to fix his hair, "And I've told you not to do that"

Dean ignored him, like usual "Anna, by any chance do you now that new kid Cas?" Dean asked her and she scoffed "Why?- you want me to ask him out for you?"


"Get lost Winchester"

Dean sighed "Wait but you've talked to him right?- did you get a vibe from him?"

Anna chuckled "You mean did my gaydar go off?" Dean nodded, "Through the roof"

Dean kissed her on the cheek "You are a god woman!" He exclaimed and ran off, Sam could swear his brother had a happy bounce in his step

Sam shook his head "Whatever I got to get to class"

He sighed, entering the class he was walking up to his seat when he saw someone was sitting in the one next to it and frowned, no one ever sat next to him in science

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