Supernatural Rewatch thoughts

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Um JD is up there bc OBX s3 Pope had me on my knees.

Enough explaination.


Oh my god.

I'm on s4 rn but so this isn't short as hell I'mma try and talk abt S1 - 3 first.


The boys were super cute, super adorable, Sam was hella annoying sometimes icl- so fucking mopey and whiney.

I hated how much Dean loved their dad and never let him take accountability for how shitty they were raised and treated BECAUSE OF HIM.

But loved Dean and Cassie super super cute and Jess she's definitely a Sam girlfriend fave (Eileen is first tho, then Jess, then Ruby <bc the chemistry is steeaaammmyy>)

Ooh what else...

Oh yes! The episodes were so great and the story tell was awsome- also Fall Out Boy was playing in Bloody Mary??? Hell yeah!

I remembered how much I loved the ep 'Home' but I forgot just how much bc I got chills watching it again. 12/10 such a great episode

S1 minus John was just so great, it was awesome to see Sam and Dean being Sam and Dean before shit went seriously downhill



Sadly Sam's hair took a down turn for the first half until the middle part thank god for that 🤭

Dean starts to get darker and less Dean even though you could tell from S1. Umm.. BOBBY!!

The father we've been waiting for 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Jo, Ellen and Ash 😭😭 I love them!! Ellen especially😘😌

Also didn't rlly see much chemistry with Dean and Jo.he treated her like a little sister. Still don't ship it sorry🤷🏾‍♀️

Great episodes again. Loved Andy, loved Ava she was so cute! But before she turned evil 😩.

A+ storytelling

Every scene Dean got emotional I cried bc we are just like this🤞🏾🤞🏾(lol kidding) but I do relate more to Dean than Sam like wayyy more bc Sam can be hella ungrateful sometimes.


Rubyyyyyy🔥🔥💕💕 my badass gf!

Dean seriously has a problem calling her a bitch or slut or whore etc and hitting girls...even when they demons. I don't wanna see a straight punch or slap to Katie Cassidy's face!

Even though Dean was right abt her.

❤️❤️❤️❤️loved Henrikson from the start! He was so funny and a great addition

Gordon is doin too much. He was annoying in S2 and still annoying now. Actin all know it all high and mighty and Dean so fuckin ready so suck his dick I swr. Even gettin into fights with Sam over GORDON 🤮.

Bella was a great character awesome story, super sticky fingers though- all the time!!! Ugh 😂. But how they slowly revealed her backstory was amazing 👏🏾 never thought spn would go there abt child molestation but they went there..

Still can't believe she was supposed to hook up with Sam when (not that i wanted it) the chemistry was more with Dean lol.

Also the xmas episode when Dean's all like (angels aren't real) had me like this 😶. Think of your future bf Dean 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Oh yeah also I don't like Lisa. Didn't even watch the episode icl.


Only like on ep 10 but I HAVE TO SAY THIS.

Finally Castiel a character who can do no wrong in my eyes ❤️❤️❤️💙 hitting it off with Dean sooooo quickly like damn!


Loved the ep with Meg (rest in peace Nicki) and Henrickson as ghosts, just amazing👏🏾👏🏾❤️ 

Sam should leave Dean be abt hell bc why in the world would he wanna say anything about it?? Shit I'd lie my ass off too.

Fuck. Uriel.


No one likes you.

Go away.


Like dude mighy as well be Lucifer with the way he's talkin abt them 'mud monkeys' like- ✋🏾pause.

Creative ass episodes like Monster Movie👏🏾👏🏾 and In the Beginning where we finally learn what Mary meant by 'I'm sorry Sam' in S1 Home which btw we never would've learned if spn had ended in s3 like it was supposed to bc of the writers abt that.

So sad how terrible John turned out but Mary's death was no excuse.

And finally.

What I NEED to talk abt most

Sam and Ruby.

Dean and Anna.

Dean and Castiel.

1. Sam and Ruby.

😍🔥🔥🔥🔥match made in hell fr

The stars in my eyes watching the sex wonder they got married in real life bc WOW.

I was straight up cheering them onnnnnnnnnn!!!!


Not to mention (even though I'm not there yet in my rewatch) Genevive's acting in the last episode had me by the neck!

I still remember it like it was yesterday when she turned on Sam I was NOT seeimg that shit coming at ALL👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾



2. Dean and...the annoying readhead girl who I do not like.



No one needed Dean to fuck Anna let alone for that girl to touch Castiel's handprint on Dean's arm during.


Dean was sexy as hell but I covered that girls face and put that shit on mute✋🏾✋🏾✋🏾

I respect Dean's relationships before Cas. Such and Cassie and.....dats it...oops.

I rlly did not like Lisa with him nor their s6 story. It was too late for Dean to have that but they gave it to him anyways and look what happened.

But back to the point. They did not need to make Dean fuck every girl he makes eye contact with for more than three seconds

S1 S2 S3 (I'm lookin at you.)

Because the girl ended tryna kill his dad anyways?!!! *cough* Cas would NEVER.

But. I enjoyed Jamie from monster movie. The girls from Dead in the water and Wendigo (it was cute ig)

So yeah did not like her at. All.

Fight me.

3. Dean and Cas

Dean and his Angel

Angel and his hunter

A match made in heaven.

Your honor they are in love 🤞🏾❤️

And that's where I'm at rn. Might update idk

Mkay ciao!😘

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