Be Somebody (Version 2)

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Based completely off the video

I didn't like the first version that much so I made a second one, hope y'all will like it-btw I suggest you watch the video before reading


Sam and Gabriel dated for a while  before Gabe died, Sam spent forever wishing that Gabriel would come back, eventually years passed and Sam got older and things changed

Gabriel wakes up in an old barn somewhere with Castiel who apparently had no idea how Gabriel was alive he just knew he was sent to find him


Gabriel shifted uncomfortably as he woke up on a very hard 'bed' he sat up and his eyes searched the place,he hopped off what he realised was a wooden table and landed on the ground almost falling

He heard the door open, he quickly ran behind the closest thing he could find and eyed the door, as soon as the man entered Gabriel knew exactly who he was and he jumped out from his hiding place


"Gabriel you're awake, good we have to go now" Cas said hurriedly tugging at Gabriel's arm but the archangel held him back "What-no, Castiel what the hell is going on?, last time I checked I was sleeping with the fishes"

"Gabriel we really don't have time for-"

"Cas" Gabriel pressed for answers, the last thing he remembered was Lucifer stabbing him in the chest as he fell to his death

"I was sent to find you"

"By who?"

"I don't know, all I know his that you have to come with me"

"Wait-wait the last thing I remember is Lucifer, what happened?"

Castiel sighed "Gabriel it's been 5 years since Lucifer threatened to bring on the apocalypse"

Gabriel mind was spinning 5 years! He had been dead for 5 years..oh no

"Sam-I-I need to get to Sam"


Sam turned over in his bed for what felt like the fifth time, after the seventh turn he slim ultimately gave up on the long forgotten dream of sleep and rolled out of bed

He only had on his red flannel pants he thought about putting a shirt on but waved off the idea

He opened the door and wandered the dark halls of the bunker, when he neared the main room he noticed the lights were on


He thought and he was right, his older brother sat on a chair with his legs up on the table and a cup filled with alcohol in his hand "What are you doing awake Sam?"

"I should be asking you the same question Dean"

"Couldn’t sleep, Cas went out again"
He answered lazily "Keep your voice down I just put Claire back to bed, why are you up?

Sam shrugged and sat down "I couldn't sleep either"

A few seconds later the door opened and Cas walked down the stairs "Well nice of you to show up" Dean muttered "It's nice to see you too Dean" Dean smiled softly as Cas pressed a small kiss to his forehead


Cas wouldn't tell Gabriel where Sam was so he used what little grace he had to get away from his brother

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