Stupid,sugar addicted idiot

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Sam and Gabriel were best friends-well not at first, Gabe would 'help' Sam with cases now and again all while annoying him of course and as more time passed they became closer forming a friendship

Gabriel always admired Sam for his bravery his kindness and for putting up with him for so long

But then it all changed they started hanging out less and Sam felt as if he had done something wrong

Why was the archangel pulling away from him ?

The truth was Gabriel had developed feelings for his friend it wasn't because heaven wouldn't approve Gabe couldn't care less about them, but just because Gabe was scared Sam was his only friend well kind of he did have Dean and Cas but they were to busy fucking all the time

Day after day Sam would ask Gabe what was wrong if he did something wrong, and Gabriel always answered with a quite 'I'm fine' or a silent shrug he didn't like that Sam was blaming himself for him being distant he had to do something

But obviously he didn't

It went on for so long that Sam finally had enough


"Gabriel we need to talk" Sam said his tone dripping with seriousness

"Not right now Sammy" Gabe whispered

"Gabe please" Sam pleaded he just wanted to know what was bothering Gabriel he didn't like seeing his angel upset

Gabe forced his head up to look at Sam who had the most adorable puppy dog eyes that mad Gabe almost melt on the spot

"If I tell you you'll hate me"

"Gabe I could never hate you"

Gabriel scoffed "Yeah you say that now"

"I promise" Sam said giving a reassuring smile

"I love you Sam more than I thought was angelic-ly possible I love your smile, your soul, your undeniably cute social awkwardness, the way your able to make me laugh when I'm having the worst day ever, how you put up with all of my crazy-I-i just I love you Sam"

It went quite Sam's face looking very shocked by Gabriels words, Gabe was sure Sam was about to reject him or laugh in his face he waited but it never came

"You stupid sugar addicted idiot" Sam whispered pulling Gabe closer to him "I spent all this time thinking you would never in a million years feel the same way if you had just told me-.." Sam trailed off

"Gabriel 'my archangel' I love you too"
and just like that with out knowing it Sam had closed the gap between him and Gabriel and they had embraced in a soft sweet gentle kiss which made Gabriel's heart flutter his grace spinning out of control making Sam gasp but not release from Gabriel's lips only kiss him deeper

The kiss broke Sam's eyes were closed and he was panting lighty the air hitting Gabriel's lips turning them cold "What was that ?" Sam breathed "My grace, sorry it does that sometimes usually when I'm around you"

Sam chuckled at being able do make Gabriel nervous "Don't be, I liked it" Sam smiled

"Sam ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Is this real ?"

"I don't know let me check" Sam said pulling Gabe in for another sweet kiss

"Yes yes it is" Sam whispered and smiled into the kiss


A few weeks later

"Samsquach wake up!" Gabriel screamed "Hmm Gabe noo" Sam whined


"Okay okay fine.." Sam said rolling out of bed "ihateyou" He mumbled

"Uh huh you weren't saying that last night" Gabe challenged


Gabriel chuckled kissing the 'annoyedness' out of Sam making him smile,

Even though Sam hadn't said the exact words 'I love you' to Gabriel since they started dating, he really loved him the way Gabe pushed him to do things he would never do like eat candy or as Gabe put it 'Non rabbit food' not all the time, but either way he loved the archangel and he wanted people to know it


"Hey Dean we need to talk"

"About ?"

"Just listen"

Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed a beer from the fridge "Whatever, what's up ?"

"Gabriel doesn't know I'm telling you this but umm..we're dating"


"Me and Gabe are dating" Sam repeated

"Uh..CAS !, weird things are happening!" Dean shouted as Cas entered the room

"Really Dean" Sam said bitch facing his brother "Oh I take it you know about Sam and Gabriel" Cas said

"You knew ?"

"Yes, Dean you should be happy for them" Cas said trying to comfort his boyfriend "I know it's just..Gabriel"

"So your not gonna be an ass about this ?" Sam asked "No it's just..look I am happy for you I don't want Gabriel to end up hurting you"

"He won't and if he does I give you full permission to heavily scold him"


Sam looked at Dean warily before rolling his eyes

"Punch" Sam negotiated



"Heya Cas what's up?" Gabriel said walking into the kitchen

"Sam and Dean are arguing"


"How Dean gets to hurt you if you hurt far Dean's going for 'Murder' but Sam's saying 'Punch'"

"Uh huh" Gabe started looking at Cas with a 'wtf' face "So I take it Sam told him ?"




This was just a small chapter that I had drafted a while ago

Hope y'all liked it

I am still procrastinating like hell to avoid writing 'Mom meet Husband'

I mean I really want to it's just every time I try I get thrown into a spiral of Dan Howell videos and than an hour later I'll just be like 'What was I doing again ?"

And yeah..soo

ALSO AHHH I'm ordering some stuff online and I'm soo excited I've been saving up for a while

It's been what 10 chapters? Do you guys want a face reveal ?


*Gives y'all lion bars* (I love them)

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