I need you

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'Gabriel I need you'

Sam never really knew why he had said those words especially to Gabriel
I mean he didn't still have feelings for the archangel or so he thought


"Gabriel did you take my laptop!..again" Sam yelled through the halls walking into Gabriel's room

"No Samsquach I didn't touch your nerdtop" Gabriel said, he was sitting on his bed sucking on lollipops

"-Gabriel I know you have it just give it back" Sam insisted "Maybe I do have your nerd-top Sammy and I could give it back..but I'm not going to" Gabe teased annoyingly

"Gabe give it back or so help me I'll-"

"You'll what Sam?" Gabriel raised a brow "Ugh you're so frustrating I don't even know why I-" Sam cut himself off, he wasn't about to tell Gabriel about his feelings for him

"You what?"

"Nothing, whatever just keep the laptop" Sam waved off leaving the room, and left Gabriel lying there wondering about what Sam had almost said


Sam was angry, angry at himself for liking Gabriel in the first place but he was also annoyed and so very confused

So he pulled a Dean, and got very drunk shitfaced really

"Hey Sam here's you're-..Sam ?" Gabriel stared at Sam who was lying face down on his bed bottles of alcohol surrounding him but he was still awake and he was giggling ?

He noticed Gabriel in the room so he sat up his back against the head board of his bed "Oh h-hey G-Gabe" He giggled pushing the hair out of his face "Are you high ?"

Sam laughed "What? no I'm lightly buzzed" Sam said 'seriously' "Sam why are you drunk? You rarely get this wasted"

"Well that is the question isn't it Gabey"

"Gabey?- what the-"

"I mean there is a reason but-no I should.. b-but I'm not supposed to tell you" Sam muttered "You're not supposed to tell me what ?"

"There's..this guy-...I think I know I like him but I don't know if he-..likes me"

"What?" Gabriel breathed shocked Sam liked someone

"He's super cute..and he has..this soft golden hair..and these breath taking whiskey colored eyes and he has a sweet tooth like none I've ever seen before" Who Sam described sounded an awful lot like himself- was that really how Sam thought of him ?

"-Hey Gabe he-he kinda reminds me of you" Sam laughed "Wait you like me?" Gabe said sitting closer to Sam "Why?"

"I don't know he's just soo pretty and funny, and I just like him and understand him maybe that's why I needed him" Sam said putting a hand on the side Gabriel's face sighing sadly "But he'll never like me"

"That's where you're wrong Sammoose, because he likes you-he likes you a lot" Gabe smiled

"Can I kiss you ?" Sam whispered


And with that Sam closed the gap between them kissing Gabriel's soft candy sweet lips, Gabe kissing back instantly before realisation hit him maybe Sam wouldn't remember this the next day "Uh..you should get some sleep" Gabe suggested pulling away from Sam "Wait" Sam said quickly biting his lower lip "Can you stay with me ?" Gabriel knew that he should've said 'no' and left Sam to sleep but he just couldn't

So they huddled up together both of them slowly falling a sleep


The next morning Sam rolled over to see Gabriel curled up beside him


Sam remembered bits and pieces from the other night, he remembered embarrassing himself in front of Gabe and- oh god they kissed

Sam slid out of bed his head pounding he mentally cursed at himself for drinking too much, he threw on a shirt trying not to make to much noise but that didn't matter because Gabriel groaned waking up "Morning Samshine"

Sam winced "Ow"

"That's what you get for drinking almost every bottle in the place"

"Shut up" Sam muttered although smiling "So are we going to talk about last night..if you even still remember"

"Yeah.. Gabriel I-I do remember"

"And ?"

"Well you already know how I feel about you..so how do you feel about me ?" Sam questioned

Gabe swiftly got up from the bed walking towards Sam "I feel like I want to do this" Gabriel whispered kissing Sam softly "You don't mind do you ?" Gabe whispered pressing his lips to Sam's again "Not at all" Sam smiled

Their little 'session' was cut short by Dean entering the room "Sammy we- what the hell"

"Dean not right now" Sam said "Wow Sammy I thought you'd chicken out" Dean joked

"What are you talking about ?" Gabriel asked confused

"Dean I swear if you don't leave right now-"

Dean put his hands up in defence "Jeez I take it you guys haven't slept together"

"OUT" Sam yelled blushing furiously, Dean rolled his and left room muttering something along the lines of 'Someone's got a stick up their ass'

"What was he talking about Sam?"

"I may have asked him for advice on asking you out" Sam said obviously embarrassed

"Well I still haven't been asked out soo.." Gabe joked "Seriously" Sam bitchfaced before sighing "Gabriel will you do me the honor of going on a date with me ?"

"Hmm let me think about it" Gabriel teased, Sam bitchfaced "I'm kidding!, I would love to go on a date with you"


Sorry abt all the fluff I just suck at smut

I am working on a smut piece right now

But yeeet

Hope y'all liked this chapter

TYSM for 173 reads !

*Gives y'all McDonald's because..*

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