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Gabriel felt confident as he walked into school today, nobody stared or asked him why he looked different from last week or some other nosey question as to why he looked less..girly.

"Hey Sammy." He grinned as he tapped Sam's shoulder just as his friend was putting away his books at his locker, "I'm Gabriel." Sam smiled inwardly and closed the locker to look at Gabriel "I'm Sam." He responded with a teasing grin and Gabriel rolled his eyes hitting him lightly on the shoulder "Sam!" He whined while Sam laughed "You don't have to say that everytime y'know."

"I know- I know but I like to."

Gabriel just shook his head grabbing Sam's arm and pulling him away from the lockers, "C'mon let's go find Charlie before class starts."



A few days later Gabriel felt different..so she came to school different but with a smile on her face, walking up to Sam who was again by his locker shoving books into it "Hello Sammy," She greeted with a tap to his shoulder "I'm Gabbie."

Sam turned to find Gabbie in a white shirt with rainbow in the middle tucked into short black skirt that matched with black converse. It fit her perfectly "You..you look..wow." He'd seen Gabbie dressed like this before but it'd been awhile. Gabbie was the name she used when she was identifying with she/her pronouns.

"I-i mean you look.." He flushed rubbing his neck "You look beautiful.."

"Thank you Samshine." She put her arm out with a playful grin "Shall we?"

Sam nodded and hooked his arm through hers, closing his locker as they made their way down the halls. "Sam!" Sam turned his head at the sound of his brothers voice, Dean left his friends jogging up to Sam and Gabbie "Hey Gabbie."


"Mind if I borrow Sam here for a few minutes?"

"No problem." She turned to Sam "See you in class."

The brothers watched her go before Dean turned back to his brother slinging an arm around Sam as they continued to walk "So Sammy..."

"What is it Dean?"

Dean sighed "Alright..can you be somewhere else tonight?-  Cas is coming over and we're gonna-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Sam warned, grimacing "I can stay with Gabbie tonight."

Dean grinned patting Sam on the shoulder "You gonna do a little love making of your own?"


"Oh come on it's obvious you like her-"

Sam removed Dean's hand from his shoulder with a sigh "I'm not talking about this Dean."

"Just ask her out-"

"Bye Dean!"


Two weeks passed by and school started up again. Dean of course didn't stop pestering Sam about his hypothetical feelings for Gabe but their routine still stayed the same. Gabe would walk up to Sam, introduce themself with the name they identified with and they would walk to class together, often hanging out with their mutual friends during lunch and out of school.

So it was another typical Monday and Gabe was walking up to Sam again "Hi there there Sammy." But this time Sam was angry whispering with his brother about something and whatever it was Dean wasn't letting up until finally he yelled 'just ask!' and forcefully turned Sam to face Gabe.

"Hi." Sam's face was flushed red and he was giving Gabe an awkward wave. Gabe pouted "That's my line."

Sam looked to Dean who wasn't too far talking to his own friends but was still giving Sam a glare "How you feeling today?" He asked very nervously and sheepishly and Gabe pursed their lips with a shrug "Very fluid."

"So Gabe then?"

"Yeah, Gabe." He nodded but frowned when they noticed Sam and Dean having a nonverbal conversation across the hall "What's going on?- you two were fighting when I got here."

Sam's head whipped toward them "No- we..we uh, we weren't fighting Dean was just giving me some advice and I was trying to back out."


"..How to ask you out?..like on a date."

Gabe was..surprised with the answer they got but just gulped trying to play it off. For awhile now they'd had a feeling that Sam liked them but they thought it was just that..a feeling. "So are you?- going to ask I mean."

"You..you want me to?"

Gabe nodded, playfully nudging Sam's shoulder "C'mon woo me Winchester."

"Would you like to go out with me?"

Gabe just grinned standing on their toes to pull Sam in for a sweet kiss, both of them not seeing Dean's smirk of approval from where he stood. Gabe pulled away leaving Sam breathless "I though you'd never ask."


This is a super old fic that I made for genderfluid pride (if you didn't get it lol) but I hope you liked it. I would've done more editing but I'm not 100%

Anyways happy genderfluid pride! 🏳️‍🌈 

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