A Pleasant Awakening

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I was watching 13x11 and this prompt just came to me ❤

Hope you enjoy

Btw:;This was actually the first mpreg I made but I drafted it for months

Anyways carry on


It was a case, just a normal case like any other

Figure out what the thing is, find out how to kill them and then gank their ass, that's all it was..well at least that's what Sam and Dean thought it was

They thought that they were only going against one rogue werewolf but they came in unprepared and we're hit with several other wolves, they fought and fought up until the last wolf but unfortunately there was one casualty


He got attacked by the wolf it clawed at Sam, Dean tried to help his brother but was thrown away by the vengeful wolf, Sam tried as well but there wasn't much he could do, he honestly thought that he was going to die

Going out fighting

Dean had managed to get the werewolf off of Sam and kill it, but his brother was still in critical condition

His entire life flashed before his eyes, everything from his dad, to yellow eyes, Jess, the night he left for Stanford, the night Dean went to get him back so that they could find John, Meg, the crash, the special children, his demon blood binge all of it just hit him but the craziest thing was what happend next



"Is Sam going to be okay?, I didn't think my grace would be enough to heal him" Gabriel asked, he had just shown up randomly and out of nowhere not more than a second after Sam had called his name in what he thought were his last moments, Dean had asked where the hell he had come from but Gabriel wouldn't answer he just said that it was 'between him and Sam'

"He'll be fine he's resting now,thanks to you-why'd you show up anyway?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes "I already told you I'm not at liberty to discuss why" Dean huffed "I just don't think Sam wants you to know"

"What do you mean 'Sam doesn't want me to know'?" Dean pressed getting more concerned

Gabriel just shrugged and disappeared, reappearing in Sam's room he sighed and sat down on the chair by Sam's bed watching Sam's chest rise and fall as he slept

A small smile crept up onto Gabriel's face "I've missed you, you know..I still think about us sometimes" He whispered "I never thought I'd see you again I didn't even think you wanted to see me again not after-..I was just so shocked when you called Sam I didn’t give it a moments thought I had to-" Gabriel placed his hand over Sam's, he was starting to cry his words came out in chokes

"I felt you I-I thought that you were dead Sam, I thought I lost you" Gabriel sniffed "You know he always asks about you, sometimes he'll just sit in his room and stare at the picture I have of us" Gabriel gave a dry laugh "He looks so much like you, he's even got your moose hair" He took a deep breath and tucked a strand of Sam's hair softly behind his ear before placing his hand back over Sam's "I love you Sam" it felt good to get it all out but kind of sad because Sam would never get to hear it

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