Dreaming Big (Pansexual/Omisexual Pride Day)

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I just want to clarify this is NOT wincest

Also this chapter is for both Pan and Omi pride because omi is just another way of saying pansexual

Okay now you may read


It was late, John their drunk of a father had been MIA for a week leaving Sam and Dean to stay at their uncle Bobby's place but they weren't complaining- they'd stay there regularly anyways since John was usually always gone


Sam called from his bed only a few inches from Dean's, "Yeah Sammy?" Came Dean's sleepy voice, "Can I tell you something..in...confidence?"

Dean nodded "Sure- just not if it's about sex" Sam rolled his eyes, reaching over to turn on the lamp "It's not like that jerk"

"Okay well what's on your mind- and you better make it quick because I'm about to pass out"

Sam took a deep breath "There's this boy, at school... Lukas.."

Dean quickly became defensive "Is he bullying you?"

"No-no- I.." Sam sighed "I like him..like..like like him" God he sounded like a girl "I can't stop thinking about his lips and his smile and we kissed the other day..." He gave a heavy sigh "I don't know..god this is so embarrassing"

Dean paused, he'd usually be making fun of his brother but the situation seemed serious, Dean sat up "Are telling me that you're.. gay?- Sammy?"

"That's the thing I'm not!- I like girls!- but I also like boys..I mean I don't really care what they have down there I just like..people..if that makes any sense"

"It kinda does..if you're looking for a label maybe you're pansexual?" Dean offered, Sam frowned "What's that?"

Dean shrugged "It's like being bisexual but you like people for their personalities not gender"

Sam's brows knitted together "How do you know this Dean?" His brother blushed, "I may have done some research at the library"

"You went to a library?" Sam asked in a mocking tone and Dean rolled his eyes "Shut up"

"..So are you pansexual?- like me?"

"Why would you think that?" Dean asked a little defensively, Sam shrugged "You look at guys the way you look at girls"

Dean paused for a second before he shook his head "No I think I'm bisexual, girls..guys..they're both awesome" He shrugged, "It's okay to feel how you're feeling Sammy- for a long time I thought I was messed up..but then I realised that I couldn't control it, you can't choose who you like"

Sam nodded "Y"know..dad's not gonna like this" Their father wasn't big on support especially when it came to guy on guy action

Dean shook his head "Then we don't have to tell him, not until we feel safe" Sam chewed his lip "..And what about Bobby?..think he'll care that we're both a little gay?"

Dean smiled "Nah, I'm pretty sure he already knows" Sam paused "You think dad's gonna come back?"

"..I don't know Sammy, I wish I did" Dean sighed "Wanna join me?- I know you're not six anymore but I think we could both use some comfort"

Sam nodded, moving over to Dean's bed they slept on separate pillows, both dreaming of being free and..normal

-Well..their normal

"Stop stealing the covers Dean!"



When Dean woke up in the morning his nose twitched, "Pancakes" He said as his eyes flew open; Bobby had made pancakes!

"Pancakes" Sam repeated, they both sat up and turned to each other "Race you?"

Dean nodded and then he was pushing Sam onto the ground, scrambling to get up himself, "Hey!- Dean!- that's so not fair!" Sam said and he was running after his brother both laughing as they tried to get to the delicious food


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